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Smooches received

2014/09/22 Giving a little something back since it took so long, plus I was able to save a bit by shipping while I was in the US Jeremy (USA: MO)
2013/10/03 Thomas Nufer (USA: MI)
2013/10/03 Thomas Nufer (USA: MI)
2013/09/25 Here is a point back (the paperback and the children's book). Yvonne (USA: VA)
2013/05/02 After reading Hyperion, I was desperate to read the next books in the series, but they were hard to find. vkanids paid $26 to sent TWO of them to Seoul so I could read them. I appreciate this so much. S/he went above and beyond. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a date on one of the 150 worlds in the Web. Ashley (USA: PA)
2012/11/12 I just sent you the book you requested last month. But, I wanted to apologize for the long delay in getting it to you - so, here's a point back. So sorry! Tammy (USA: NM)
2012/07/11 Thanks for mooching from me during my "Two for One" Deal. loriped (USA: OR)
2012/06/20 Thanks for all the mooches! susanbooks (USA: MA)
2009/10/22 Another little point. Kathy Arkwright (United Kingdom)
2009/10/22 Just a little thank you for your excellent service. I am 'chuffed to bits'. Very best wishes, Kathy Kathy Arkwright (United Kingdom)
2009/10/06 My husband will love this book and I can't wait to give it to him. Thanks again! Laura (USA: IL)
2009/09/16 Thank you for paying the high postage to Japan! anthy (Japan)
2008/12/28 Marian (USA: WV)
2008/12/28 Thanks for mooching 2 for 1 from me. Marian (USA: WV)
2008/11/25 3 for 2 deal, thanks for the mooches!
luckylane27 (USA: CA)
2008/09/15 Multiple Mooches = Smooches!
Thanks for being a multiple moocher!
Teresa (USA: AL)
2008/08/23 Here's your return point. Thanks Scott Huber (USA: FL)
2008/05/28 Smooch for my 3 for 2 special, thanks for the mooches, I will mail your book in a few days.
luckylane27 (USA: CA)
2008/05/09 4 for 3 deal! Bryan (USA: IA)
2008/04/16 refund on 2 for 1 Kristina (USA: MO)