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Wishlist griping

There were a few blog comments recently along these lines:
 I was under the impression that we were soon going to do something to remedy BookMooch's woefully small catalogue of books available for mooching...

And I wanted to respond.

Generally, I think the problem here is not an inventory one (there are a half million books available for mooching!) but rather one of expectations.

The reality of BookMooch is that people tend to give away books that are not-very-in-demand (ie books that they didn't like, or that were popular a few years ago) and so there will never be a huge supply of "high quality books" because that's not what people give away (by "high quality books" I mean books that are currently popular and sell well in stores at the moment). There will always be griping that people can't get books on their wishlist, that's just how it will be.

The current best way to find something to read is to look at your personal recommendations. It is refreshed frequently and fairly good at suggesting moochable books you might like reading. Click "recommendations" on the browse page. I find the recommendations to be quite good, as BM suggests a number of books I have read and enjoyed that BM didn't know I had read, so the matchup with my tastes is relatively accurate.

With a half million books available for mooching, there are plenty of books available if you're willing to explore and try books out based on availability on BM, rather than whatever outside method you came to want a book and put it on your wishlist.

So, to that end, my focus will be on making it easier to find books you might want in the existing catalog. Three things are on my todo list, but all are major projects and a lot of work:

1) cover images for most books, and a visual browser of books by covers with jumping from recommendations and similar books.

2) replacing the amazon book topics with much better data, probably from librarything, so that topic browsing becomes more helpful.

3) a completely new search engine

As to enlarging the available inventory, I do have one radical idea for that, but quite a few people are going to hate it, so I'm not sure I wanted to bring it up.... but I will in another blog entry.

 While you are here, John, anyway you can talk to us about all the suggestions/proposals you mentioned in your big changes blogposts, and we haven't heard anything about since? (some of the stuff in "Followup to points discussion", for example, which some of us have commented on recently)

I read all the comments, but I really don't have time to personally engage on the forums and respond to everything.

There are 30,000 active moochers, and just one of me. For about two weeks I participated heavily on the forums, and I did absolutely no work for those two weeks. I know people were very happy to see me active on the forums, but I'm not joking when I say I got no work done at all when I was active on the forums.

Programming is slow and hard work, and it's just too time consuming to answer everything on the forums and also get programming work done.


John Buckman
13 years ago


Thanks for taking the time to answer on the forum.
I have used the "recommendations" function and have read and enjoyed numerous books that perhaps I would not have known about otherwise. So it becomes a reading adventure. As for the wishlist, I think patience and luck is what it takes.
Happy mooching everyone!!!
Manuela Ziemer
13 years ago
1) cover images for most books

That would be good. I'm using aNobii "reblog" feature to add covers to the books in my inventory... maybe that way lays a shortcut to implement the feature here?

Looking forward to hear your radical (sometimes you scary me :P) ideas for books availability on BM. I'm quite happy with it right now, but I'm a particular case because I usually look for old books nobody wants anymore :D

Il Gobb
13 years ago
I agree with Manuela and with you John.
I reply to all the messages about journalling I get, and formulate individual answers but it means that when a heavy bout of journalling happens I get nothing else done at all. I'm sure anyone who has spent a few hours programming will understand the time it takes and the difficulties one encounters.

Perhaps we should all be more actively recommending books to other Bookmoochers.

I regret the passing of the reservation for friends option, as I used to use that to recommend a book to all my friends' list and that book would be guaranteed to be mooched within minutes.
Now I have to individually write in the ids of each friend. It does make me target books more specifically, so I don't annoy the odd person on my friends' list who is not interested in seeing my recommendations, but with 100+ friends I can't include all nor know the individual tastes of each.
I always write a book review if I intend to send a reservation, and apart from journals only reserve books I have had listed for a while, or newly listed ones for people who already have them wishlisted - whether friends or not.

Perhaps a recommend button that did not also reserve a book would help, as the complaints about reservations for friends was one reason for its removal.

I would heartily applaud the bettering of the topics - Amazon's are pretty hopeless.
I'd suggest the ability to search by language of text (rather than where the book is) would be a start and perhaps one of the easier sort parameters - please don't forget Welsh/Cymraeg if you do this, as searching for key words in Welsh is not easy, most key words are so short they exist as part of longer words in other languages.

Language sorting is long overdue, you told me it was on your 'to do' list in 2008! ;-)

13 years ago
Thank you for this post. People need to manage their expectations. At the end of the day, this effectively is a free and voluntary service. If people really want a book, they can always buy it and then contribute it here.
13 years ago
What part of "Book Mooch" do these people not understand? Do they think they are trading with Borders or Barns & Noble? I for one have at least a dozen or more books in my inventory list that were on one or more "Wishlists" that have never been mooched; I guess they are waiting for more "quality" books from Borders to come along. I swear, some people will gripe if you spoon feed them and change their diapers. Keep up the good work, John!
13 years ago
Can some of those activities be taken on by BookMoochers? I know that LibraryThing uses its members to upload covers, etc... I know that LibraryThingers enjoy helping the site and I'm sure that many BookMoochers would like to take action to improve things.
13 years ago
why would there not be new books you read you give away.

yes to get a mooch acct you go buy second hand books if needed or list 10 of your books you have had lieing around.
but once you get a mooch book you read and than put on mooch again.

13 years ago
I keep a large wishlist going so that when I want to spend some points, there nearly always something available.

I use a 'book for book' swapping site and I have an inventory there of nearly 100 books... The reason that I don't list them here is that I'm pretty sure most of them would be mooched immediately, costing me a lot and leaving me with so many points that I probably wouldn't need to list anything ever again! Also it's handy for me to have a bigger list on the other site because it gives me a better chance of getting a swap accepted when I'm looking for a particular book.

On Bookmooch I like having a handful of points so I can mooch occasonally but I now have so many books to read, I don't have an incentive to start being an active member here.

13 years ago
Bookmooch is a wonderful thing. Living in the Philippines, I've experienced frustration with other swapping sites that only cater to the US, for example. We are so glad to be able to swap books with others worldwide. I've gotten many books on my wishlist and found a great deal more under the recommendations list. As for those frustrated wishlisters, well, they can borrow the in demand books from their libraries or buy them outright.
13 years ago
I second the data sharing with LibraryThing, I am an active user on that website: I load a lot of my book covers, translate the site in French, etc.
LT works a lot with members' input on covers and book/authors data, things do not rely so much on external data, because that makes us accountable on the use of book covers copyright (if I remember rightly).
13 years ago
"Generally, I think the problem here is not an inventory one (there are a half million books available for mooching!) but rather one of expectations.

The reality of BookMooch is that people tend to give away books that are not-very-in-demand (ie books that they didn't like, or that were popular a few years ago) and so there will never be a huge supply of "high quality books" because that's not what people give away (by "high quality books" I mean books that are currently popular and sell well in stores at the moment). There will always be griping that people can't get books on their wishlist, that's just how it will be."

So, in other words (and after previously suggesting otherwise) John has decided to do nothing whatsover to improve the site (except a couple of meaningless cosmetic changes). If Paperbackswap can maintain a quality inventory of books, why is it such an impossible task for this site?

13 years ago
I agree with Gail, some people are never happy unless they have something to complain about. While a few of my wishlist books are the more newer, popular ones, I know the majority of my wshlisted books may never show up on BM. That being said, it's also possible for me to actually receive books that were never published in the US that I wanted to get my hands on Which is a GREAT rush, by the way!)

And, yes, I think the gripers don't quite grasp that this site is not Barnes/Noble, Alibris, QPBC or other book STORES where one puts items from a wishlist into a cart. There is NOT an unending supply of a specific book. And for these people, maybe I should update one of my grandmother's favorite saying--if wishes were books, beggers would be reading....instead of griping!

13 years ago
@Frank "If Paperbackswap can maintain a quality inventory of books, why is it such an impossible task for this site?"

PBS maintains nothing.
People using one site or the other do. Especially people using both sites in a certain way.

If you have a bunch of people who collectively post only unpostable-by-PBS or unmovable-on-PBS inventory, some staying here with empty inventories and just a few points for the purpose of funelling any "good" stuff they can snatch into a rival system, what do you think the result is going to look like ?

Ouroboros logic for the win.

13 years ago
People do seem to forget that if they want a book badly enough they can go buy it at the bookstore. I do. They also forget that most people have a library nearby. I live in a small town and our library has a very small budget. We have only one bookstore in town that carries new bks (and a few used bkstores). I have a large personal library and a good backlog of bks to read so no problem waiting a long time for bks. People today do need to be told to be patient or head to the bookstore or buy online (where there is almost always anything you could possibly want).I found a rare bk online last yr-it cost over 300 dollars but was for a birthday gift and the only thing the person wanted.
People expect everything instantly and sometimes have to be told life doesnt work that way no matter what they think. There's really no acceptable excuse for griping about having to wait on a bk or not finding it right away. That's real life.
Re getting the covers and info imported-hurray!! because if there is no cover photo and no summary I'm not even going to consider a bk at first glance.
13 years ago
I love what you're doing. Keep up the good work (PS was adding books today and really like that feature that now automatically highlights the field. You don't know how many times I was typing away the ISBN only to find I wasn't in the field). :-)

I've been picking up books at my local library's used corner that are popular wish list items and posting them here. They get mooched pretty fast and hopefully the moochers will post them back when done reading. :-)

But again - thanks for all you do! I freelance as well as manage my own fan web page of a TV Show (Northern Exposure), and many other hats... I know how much time is worth!

13 years ago
I wonder if BookMooch would be a little more active if it were actually up more often -- it seems like there's at least one day a week these days that my members pages just never load.
13 years ago
@Strydg64 "I never add a book to my inventory if there are more than 5 copies available."

I disagree with this. Different people will send to different places, and it would be extremely sad for the international aspect of BM if someone were NOT to list a book because n other copies are available.
If out of say five copies listed in US inventories, three are domestic US only, and two are "ask first", then there is only a slim 2/5 chance of the book that I want to mooch coming to France, or anywhere else out of the US.
Please, BM community, don't stop listing books because copies are already available. Maybe the sixth person to list that book that I'd like to mooch might send to my country, or to another from which I can subsequently mooch the book.
13 years ago

I love BM, but cover images is probably the lowest priority fix for anyone on this site at present! If the cover image isn't loaded and we want one, we can click on the "Amazon" button and see an image. It's a simple workaround that works.

Please fix some of the "broken" things that have come up in forums. One of my pet hates at present is books I mooch not being removed from my wishlist. If I double-mooch a book because my own spreadsheet isn't up-to-date, then I relist it, but wouldn't it be better to have removed that book from my wishlist once I mooched the original copy?

As mentioned elsewhere, BM members could do some of the work, such as fixing the category lists. Trust us: it's not in our interest to add bogus categories!
13 years ago

Actually, it's as simple as this: With Paperbackswap, you send out one book and you get a credit to be spent on one book. None of this "send out 1, get 2 back" mentality. With PBS, points are hard to come by, and this forces people to maintain large inventories if they want a lot of books. As a result, there a ton of books over there (currently over 5,016,798 books and more than 667,025 unique titles available). Their book selection puts this site to shame.

Unfortunately, I sent out a bunch of books on this site with the assumption that I would actually be able to use my points. The problem is that (like many others), I can't find many worthwhile books on this site. Therefore, it doesn't make much sense to keeping posting books. I think I'll just let my inventory run down to nothing (like so many others have done). Eventually, I'll use up my points (it may take a couple of years).

I predict that this site will be dead within three years- without major changes it will never be able to sustain itself. Meanwhile, PaperBackSwap will continue to thrive.

13 years ago
I'll add my voice to Jacquie's.
Some people list books and then can't afford the postage.
Some people list books in poor condition.
Some people go on vacation or inactive for a while or activate their account to mooch but will not send out.
Some of the libraries want a particular edition: many people don't specify the edition or list under an incorrect edition.
Here's another reason to list: whilst mooching for a charity I had up to 20 people wanting the same book!
13 years ago
Thank you John for implementing these highly requested changes. It sounds like it will be a huge investment in time and effort to make these changes and it will be greatly appreciated by many of us.

@Frank John has decided to do nothing whatsover to improve the site (except a couple of meaningless cosmetic changes) I don't see how anyone would call completely revamping the topics and creating a new search engine as "cosmetic" changes. These are changes that have been requested over and over in forum discussions and John is responding to those requests in a major way.

Perhaps a recommend button that did not also reserve a book would help, Ooh, I like the idea of adding an option to use the current recommend button with "my friends". I would like to be able to send a "recommendation" message to all my friends to let them know I am posting a bunch of books.

13 years ago
"As to enlarging the available inventory, I do have one radical idea for that, but quite a few people are going to hate it, so I'm not sure I wanted to bring it up.... but I will in another blog entry."

John, By all means, let's hear it. If it will improve the inventory and does not involve charging people to use the site, then I'm all for it.

13 years ago
Thanks for your response, John, and for writing whenever you can. Posting on boards is incredibly time-consuming, and you are very busy.

I love the site, and I enjoy sending books as much as I enjoy receiving them. BookMooch is not my only avenue for obtaining my books, but it is certainly the most feel-good one. Thanks for all you do :)

13 years ago
One of the problems with the wishlist I have is that not all books are listed the same. There are several different ways of listing the same exact book (ie - Charlaine Harris's "Dead in the Family") or some books just don't come up for you to add them to your wishlist (ie- I don't know all of the titles in Jim Bitcher's Dresden Files but when I look up the author the name shows nothing). That is the entire problem I have with the search engine. Otherwise I don't always expect my book to be available because some of them are in high demand, so oh well. The other issue is people putting books up then promptly going on vacation (happened to me just a few weeks ago, a book on my wishlist went up, I asked for it, then 5 days later the person went on vacation).
13 years ago
Focussing on discover-ability makes a lot of sense - everyone wins when more books are moving round the system, and when better to try something new than when it's 'free' :)

(I find the search is currently next to useful unless you have a specific author / title in mind - getting better subject data than the dreck Amazon assigns would be a huge help, and I'm really glad to hear that's on your agenda for improvement.)

Quick thought re the reccomended books, which you describe a "good at suggesting moochable books" - my experience is that it's pretty good at finding things I might be interested in that then turn out to be either not available to mooch to my country, or currently reserved for someone else (or which are available, but overseas, and I'm less likely to gamble 3 points than 1 on a random read.)

Is there any chance you could apply the same availability filters to the recommendations as you do to wishlist notifications, so only things that *can actually be mooched from the country I'm in* show up?

And/or add a 'show me recommendations available within my country' check box to the recommendations?

As always, thank you for all the work that you put into the site!

Alex Draven
13 years ago
(I will not flame, I will not flame, I will not flame...deep breath)

@Frank. Paperbackswap is U.S.A. only. Bookmooch is the best and often only option for many of us. It is a wonderful international community of book lovers. It is a constantly changing community, run by volunteers, the chief of which is John, who are always trying to improve the site. Some of the changes they implement make it better for most of us, some of the changes make it worse for some of us. It is a work in progress. As to improving the inventory of books available: I have noticed that you do not participate in any of the other forum discussions so perhaps miss out on many opportunities available to find out about inventory deals, books that are being posted or searched for, making friends who will look out for books you want and other ways that make Bookmooch a very successful experience for many of us. The only suggestions I have seen you make for improving Bookmooch have been to remove the 0.1 point incentive for adding books, which would be a disincentive for newbies who are one of the best sources of new inventory, and people removing "stale" books from their inventory, which would accomplish nothing, IMHO. There isn't a limit to the number of books that can be in the Bookmooch inventory. It doesn't hurt anything for some older books to be sitting in inventories for a year or more waiting to be found. It's not like a small used bookstore with old inventory taking up valuable real estate. Eventually someone will join Bookmooch for whom one of those "stale" books will be the title they have been looking for for years. You have suggested that people remove these "bad" books and replace them with "better" books. I have yet to hear a good definition of "better" books. Perhaps books that you have on your wishlist? Please not just newer books or highly wishlisted books. Many of the books I am looking for are older, obscure and wishlisted by very few.

You keep asking that John do *something* to improve the inventory in Bookmooch and until he does you will not be posting anymore books. If everyone had this attitude Bookmooch will indeed, as you predict, die out. Luckily, many of us continue to post books, even though we don't need the points, to keep Bookmooch thriving because it matters to us and we care about it's continued health.

13 years ago
I think the biggest, relatively simple, fix to the wishlists would be to deactivate the wishlists of grossly inactive members. I have no problem with active members who are on vacation or just away from the site for a few weeks being able to get a book on their wishlist. But there are hundreds, if not thousands, of members of the site who have been inactive for 365 days+ yet their wishlists still show up. Being auto-vacationed does not seem to remove them from the wishlists.

The problem with this is twofold.

One, it makes it difficult for people to gauge how in demand a book is. There are books with hundreds of copies in the system that are supposedly wishlisted. If you have a book you want to post, it's a pain to have to check the status of the 5 people wishing it to figure out the odds they'll actually mooch it.

Two, it means these inactive members are getting wishlist emails. One of the BIGGEST complaints I hear about the current wishlist system is that by the time people get the email notification, the book has already been mooched. I believe that a huge factor is the many hours/days that are wasted on popular books sending email notifications to (grossly) inactive members. Cut them out of the loop and get the emails to active members who will actually mooch the book.

13 years ago
@stacynvh. Try: Often you don't need to list all the different editions of a book if you have "show related editions" turned on in your wishlist. Hopefully John's changes will make finding books much easier!
13 years ago
Cara, even John knows that the site needs to be fixed and has mentioned some ideas for fixing it. He himself has admitted that the total number of active members as well as available books has has dwindled in recent years. The problem is that he's reluctant to make meaningful changes, out of fear that he'll anger some people. But the only alternative is to do nothing and watch the site slowly rot away. Without radical change, it will surely happen.
13 years ago
What is the problem? I have mooched nearly 1000 books over 3-4 years and given over 600 away over the period. I mean how many books can you read in a year? I packing all my books up to move and so far packed 32 boxes with an average of 50 books per box. I have 8 put aside that will be my must reads so I'm good for 6-8 years! Although I still have another 1000 to check and pack!

And yes I found a lot to put on bookmooch so back to over 100 points and the potential for another year or two reading. Now I can do all this because of the wish list storing the books I've come across in these ways:

1 looking up books I've like on to see what else this might lead too and then listing them

2 checking the wish-list of trusted moochers to find nuggets to list

3. working on the assumption that happy to read what's hot 3-4 years behind the trend.

4.alternating fiction with non fiction so always open to a new trend

5 watching and listening any book review programme or reading what books I like features and then listing any that catch my fancy - did that for world book day and discovered ones I liked. Listed on a Monday and got a mooch the following day that zillions wanted!

But funny enough never used or made much sense of the bookmooch recommendations. So my line would be widen your taste, lower your must have the in book expectations and the world will be fine

John Alwyine-Mosely
13 years ago
The problem is that he's reluctant to make meaningful changes, out of fear that he'll anger some people. @Frank, do you have any suggestions for "meaningful changes" (other than the two I have already mentioned)?
13 years ago
"The only suggestions I have seen you make for improving Bookmooch have been to remove the 0.1 point incentive for adding books, which would be a disincentive for newbies who are one of the best sources of new inventory, and people removing "stale" books from their inventory, which would accomplish nothing, IMHO. There isn't a limit to the number of books that can be in the Bookmooch inventory. It doesn't hurt anything for some older books to be sitting in inventories for a year or more waiting to be found..."

The .1 point for adding a book should should be discontinued. It's only real purpose is to make it possible for people to get more books than they give (and that's what's killing this site). As for it being a "disincentive" for newbies, it certainly hasn't stopped PaberBackSwap from getting new members.

As for my other suggestion, that was actually one of John's better ideas. He had toyed with the idea taking back the tenth of a point for books that sit on the site for two years. He then talked himself out of it, no doubt because he didn't want to upset anyone. These books (the ones that have went years without being mooched) are left in inventories for the sole purpose of getting and keeping extra points, not because there's a chance of actually have them mooched. But by all means leave your books in your inventory forever. If John was to follow the other suggestion, it wouldn't be a problem.

13 years ago
I get more books from BookMooch than any other swap or pay-for site I've ever used. I've gotten books here I never thought I'd get because they were out of print or so expensive I couldn't afford them. I find alot of books to mooch by visiting my friends' inventories, my friends of friends inventories, the inventories of people who have mooched a book I just mooched or gave away a book that I just mooched, by randomly clicking on the profile of someone who posted here, etc. I love BookMooch!
13 years ago
Again, removing the tenth of a point for listing a book would eventually solve the problem. It would stop people from getting more than they're giving. This would improve the number and quality of this site's inventory. People would use their points. This would force people to maintain a larger inventory to get more points. This would further improve the inventory. Maybe John could also consider giving members an extra point for every 100 books sent out, just as an incentive to keep posting books.
13 years ago
This is a problem on all swapping sites. I participate in Goozex, a video game swapping site also (not as good as BM, by the way. I wish there was a BM for video games) and it is the same story. If you want the latest and greatest, prepare to wait. If you want something that was great a couple of years ago, chances are you can have it today. Considering most everything new costs more than something used, that is to be expected.
13 years ago
@stacynvh Have you been clicking the "show unmoochable" button when you do your searches where nothing initially comes up?

@Frank PBS gives two start-up credits for listing ten books, so they give newbies an inventive to post books as well.

I've been here nearly three years and have never had a problem finding a book to mooch if I really wanted. If I didn't think someone in my household would strangle me, I could probably use half my points right now, and I've got 100+. For casual site users, though, finding things can be more difficult. So a big thank you to John for trying to get these changes done! Covers I can take or leave, but Amazon topics and improved general search would be pretty darn great.

I am also in agreement with RidgewayGirl. If there are any tasks that the site users can help with, I'm sure there would be a good number of volunteers.

13 years ago
"Generally, I think the problem here is not an inventory one (there are a half million books available for mooching!) but rather one of expectations."
- RIGHT! Widen your horizon folks...I've never had the problem of not getting books I want.

Frank said,"Unfortunately, I sent out a bunch of books on this site with the assumption that I would actually be able to use my points. The problem is that (like many others), I can't find many worthwhile books on this site. Therefore, it doesn't make much sense to keeping posting books. I think I'll just let my inventory run down to nothing (like so many others have done). Eventually, I'll use up my points (it may take a couple of years)."
- I think you're expectation are just too high. You have only 38 points waiting there...points I could spend in a day. You're active on PBS that only open for USA...Bookmooch on the other hand is an international site that many of us (not from the USA) really love.
- If you want to contribute to BM-health, why not post books? you won't because of your 38 points waiting to be spend for the coming years.

I love this site, thank you John...

13 years ago
"The tiny minority of people who continue to gripe about inventory even *after* John has pointed out the reasons that expectations, not inventory, is the main problem... Well, I could debate 'till I'm blue in the face, but I can't fix willful ignorance. So I guess I should just shut it."
- Well said Heather! I could not put it in a better way!
13 years ago
Generally, I think the problem here is not an inventory one (there are a half million books available for mooching!) but rather one of expectations.

Well, I disagree with this assessment for a number of reasons.

You acknowledged in a post you made about a month ago that BookMooch is experiencing a problem with the size of its collective inventory:

the total catalog size in BookMooch has been shrinking for the past 2 years, and I want to fix that.

Are you saying that the problem's been fixed and that the size of our collective inventory is now growing? I don't understand what's changed between then and now.

I don't understand where you're getting this figure of half a million books. When I go to browse the books published in English, I'm told that there are only 141792, and looking at the other numbers for other languages I don't see them adding up to half a million. Paucity alone wouldn't be so bad, but BookMooch is sorely lacking in terms of diversity as well. We've got thousands of Dan Brown, Stephen King, and John Grisham novels alone. At the same time, and ironically at that, I've had an extremely difficult time finding the authors typically named when I'm complying with the security checks necessary to post on this forum: Melville, Ginsberg, Neruda, Plath, Nabokov ... it's nearly impossible to find these authors. Even if the inventory shrinkage problem has been rectified, I don't know how you can deny that the sort of inventory homogeneity I've described is a problem.

I can't speak for others, but I think my catalog expectations are reasonable. I don't expect most of the books on my wishlist to become available; I tend to list a lot of obscure books that I eventually find through other means. I spend a lot of time using the search engine to try to find books that pique my interest, so yes I am willing to explore. I don't expect to find "high quality books" as you so define them.

My concern is just that when your focus is on "making it easier to find books you might want in the existing catalog", then it's like you've given up brainstorming ways to increase or diversify the catalog.

13 years ago
One persons trash can be another one's treasure. Some of my more obscure books that I listed just for the heck of it were gone within 24 hours. I'm not quite sure how you'd want to do an automated wishlist.. one of the things I like about bookmooch is that I can choose whom I mooch from. Of course I do get frustrated from time to time because I don't find books I'm interested in, but for me the main thing is to get books that I don't want any more to people who want to read them. My second big reason for being on bookmooch is the possibility of mooching from abroad, foreign books are very hard to get a hold of in the US. Thanks for helping me practice my other lingos! :)
13 years ago
@ Frank,

Really?! Think again. I used to be on PBSwap, but left after a two-fold situation of a requester "warning" me if the book sent was not up to her standards she would take bak her pt and several days later receiving a book that I had requested that was LITERALLY falling apart. So, those 5 million books listed on that site don't mean squat if there are prima donna requesters and lack-of-common sense listers.

I have found Book Moochers to be much more concientious about book conditions and just being overall more pleasant in their manner. AND, John does his best to respond to major complaints that come up. Go ahead, ask me if I received a response to my letter of complaint to the PBS founder (Richard, I believe) about the member with the disintegrating book!

13 years ago
I have had no luck mooching much on this site--when you browse the catagories are all over the place fiction in non-ficition, romance in biography--my wish list is very diverse and most of the books on my list are older books 1 to 5 years. I have mooched only 4 books in the last year due to inability to find anything I want to read-When I list a book I try and list all availible copies so if any of them become available I can mooch them. I like Frank quit listing books as I was getting lots of points and very little mooching--
13 years ago
To Cara @ go, girl!!!

Couldn't have said it better myself if I stopped long enough to figure out what exactly it was in Frank's PBS/BM comments that were getting under my skin. (Yeah, I'm a bit brain-dead today. I'll let Cara keep being my spokesperson)

13 years ago
@ Frank" These books (the ones that have went years without being mooched) are left in inventories for the sole purpose of getting and keeping extra points, not because there's a chance of actually have them mooched" Yeah, well, I know how those people could fix their 'stale'inventories to make yoy happy and it really wouldn't change anything, except maybe get some mooched.....can you figure it out?
13 years ago
@ Heather
You and Cara make a wonderful tag team! :))
13 years ago
Keep up the good work! I appreciate all you do and have become a voracious moocher!!! And, when one of my wishlist books comes up (more often than you may expect) it's a bonus in my day!!!!
Lynn R.
13 years ago
@Lynn lovely post. @ Chelsea thank you (blushing modestly). I don't think I'll need to continue on as "spokesperson" unless Frank has something new to contribute to the discussion. BTW I have no objection to removing the 0.1 incentive for posting books after the first batch for newbies (PBS has a newbie bonus after all). I don't think that change will make a huge amount of difference one way or the other in encouraging people to post books that will appeal to the naysayers. I still haven't figured out what a "better" book is.
13 years ago
Hi John!

I'm not sure if this is the right place to bring this up, but I've had in mind to contact you about this, and decided to do it now when I'm here and really remember it instead of the usual "I'll do it later" and then forget it completely.

It's really just a little thing, but would help to make BM page easier to use for me (and probably for other people outside of the big language groups too).

This is a problem that occurs every time when I add a Finnish (or Swedish) book that is not found through an amazon/bookmooch search(any of them - I always try them all) to my inventory - that is, when I add a book by hand.

After writing the book's info and adding it to my inventory I get the message "the book is added bla-bla-bla" and everything is just fine.

But if I want to write condition notes, it gets tricky, because there's no direct link from that page to the books condition notes (like there is after adding a book that can be found through the searches). If I want to add condition notes to added-by-hand book, I have to first go to my inventory and find the recently added book there and go details page and there the condition notes...

So. Would it be possible to get that link that goes straight to condition notes to the page that confirms that you've added a book to your inventory? The link is there after adding a book that already exists on BM or Amazon, but it's not there if you add a book by hand and it is really frustrating...and it takes a lot of extra time to add the notes if you have to make lots of extra steps to do it.

13 years ago
I have an insanely large "wishlist" - I once spent a good eight hours scouring Amazon for books by subject that I might be interested in mooching one day, some titles I knew nothing about before I started my search. I used the nifty "Bookmooch" Internet Explorer app, which allowed me to add the book to my Bookmooch wishlist with one click. Then I set my Bookmooch settings to enable email contact every time there was a match for a book on my wishlist.

The payoff was worth the time spent. I cast a huge net and while I don't get very many hits these days (I completed my wishlist several years ago) I received two emails today with books I'm still interested in mooching. Just an idea, if anyone wants to increase the number of books they can choose from.

13 years ago
Perhaps this has already been discussed but I'll add my two cents worth, :>. The reason I lowered my inventory was that I was getting so many mooches, it became a problem financially for me. When it gets where I'm not getting many mooch requests, I add more to the inventory. So I have a stash a books I keep to add occasionally. If I find books to add, (I always look at library discard shelves, yard sales, goodwill stores) for books others might want just to post for mooching by others. So my inventory is fluid. That works best for me. Unfortunately, finances determine most of my ability to mooch. I love this site and would hate for it to not be around anymore. I love mooching from and sending out to all over the world. Very cool.
13 years ago
John, I can never thank you enough for being a one-person Jack-of-all-things Bookmooch. It is absolutely incredible what you have managed to do on your own.

It is impossible to compare Bookmooch with any other organization as Bookmooch has a unique purpose, the dissemination of books worldwide, there is no other focus.

Getting popular books is not easy because these books are so popular people are willing to pay for them. They are still in the retail stream and not yet available to the non-retail stream. Bookmooch is not the same as a for-profit organization which is driven by a completely different model and usually has many more staff members and resources.

It is also true that there is a more international slant to Bookmooch. Here in the U.S. I see a tendency for us to assume the 'customer-is-always-right' is the only perspective, that everyone is going to be working to make every customer happy. Not possible to do easily and especially in a not-for-profit organization.

I don't read the most popular books so I don't have any to put into my inventory. I think I would be very frustrated if I expected to find the bestsellers readily available here.

I am also constantly learning about new books I might investigate (I must say that the recommendations list is full of stuff I am completely not interested in, unfortunately).

This group has forced me to become more patient and more flexible, two traits that benefit me. I definitely find it difficult to prod myself into improving on my own!

Thanks John, thanks everyone for contributing to Bookmooch.

13 years ago
Hi Folks! I haven't posted in the forums before, but I've been on bookmooch for over a year, and I've mooched about 140 books so far. I have frequently spent all my points and had to wait for someone to request something from me. Bookmooch isn't my only source for books, but it is a major one. So I just wanted to say thanks, and add my voice to the list of those who have no problem finding books to spend their points on.
13 years ago
@Frank-- I have had many books mooched that have been in my inventory for 2+ years. So your comment that "These books (the ones that have went years without being mooched) are left in inventories for the sole purpose of getting and keeping extra points, not because there's a chance of actually have them mooched." is incorrect! Many new people join BookMooch everyday and they are often interested in books that have been passed over by older moochers.
13 years ago
@Frank & @ Cara - I am sorry Frank, I am with Cara on this. This argument about the merits of BookMooch vs. PBS is a very old argument. It has been going on in the BookMooch forums since the old times. It re-ignited as far back as when I joined the old BookMooch by e-mail forum and I made a similar post (yes, Cara, at one time, I thought as strangely as Frank does).

There are many MANY things within BookMooch that make far superior to PBS. (Yes, I am on both sites - Full disclosure). I personally like the Wish-list system on BM better than PBS. Why? Because I have a better chance of landing a popular book! Some of you think it's unthinkable. Well, I recently got 4 books I have been holding out on over at PBS FOR OVER A YEAR! So, now tell me, what site is better? Thank you BM. And no, I do not do anything more than read my notification e-mails when they come. I also have a huge Wish-list.

I like the point system in BM better. I understand why John took the .1 for giving feedback away (BTW, I still do it as a courtesy). But I really REALLY like the .1 for listing a book. Will I leave if it went away? I'll probably think about it.

Right now, I have a large TBR. But, for various reasons I also have a backlog of 50-100 really good books that can be listed and gone within 2-3 days. On BM or PBS? Why haven't I done it? Obviously, I can't afford shipping on 50 books all at one time... Otherwise it would have happened already.

BookMooch has always had more of a community feel for me, a lot more so than PBS. I have traded books with people from France, the UK, the Philippines (I donated books and magazines to a library there) and even Japan (my thoughts and prayers still with the Japanese people). Meeting all these people, even vicariously through BookMooch was exciting. In fact, there was a lady in France that helped discovered a book I really enjoyed, then I helped her find the latest book in a series she and I were both reading. She turned around and mailed this book back to me this past October. Sadly, she passed away in December....

Still, the sense of Friendship and community one develops through BM IS NOT available on PBS. In fact, a lot of my Facebook friends are BM friends as well. John, I wish BM had a bit more Facebook like features in it (the community aspects of it).

So you see why I think BM is better.

And here is a thought Frank - if all these PBS users, have all these wonderful NEW books over there, why don't you entice some of them to bring their books over here, and enrich our inventory? I occasionally do, by putting a BM bookmark in the book I send out.

Thanks and take care.

Hercules40 (a.k.a. PapaG)
13 years ago
@ John Alwyine-Mosely

Once again John, you hot the nail on the head. I do the same thing.

But it appears not many people read as we do. Rather, they look for their particular author, and if his/her latest book is not immediately available on BM, they immediately assume the site is busted.

Strangely, I have taken the exact opposite road. I've told my family and friends to give me Bookstore or Amazon gift cards for Christmas and my Birthday. This means, my favorite author's books are always available to me when they are published. It's funny because I occasionally put them in my wish-list and then get wish-list hits, that I, of course, have to decline, because I already have the book(s).

This also means, that depending on the book(s), I have lots of newer/newish books that need to be listed after having be read.

I'd like to see the forums to be tidied-up a bit....

In the old forums, we had BOOK recommendations, and people would post about REALLY cool books they read on there. Like "Water for Elephants" when it first came out, which has been made into a movie now. ETC.

Hercules40 (a.k.a. PapaG)
13 years ago
John, thanks so much for making BookMooch better and better.

I just wanted to comment about people who are "not listing books when there are more than 5 copies available". I have listed my books when there were more than 40 copies of that same book available, and it still was mooched within a few weeks! I think if you are a reliable sender of books, with a good history, then BookMooch members would still prefer to mooch from you than someone else who did not have a good history. And, as someone else had said, the book sitting in your inventory for more than a year could be a new member's longed-for treasure.

I liked Jenny's analogy that BookMooch is like a yard sale. If you can't find the books you want, and can't wait for them to turn up on either BookMooch or Paperbackswap (as people have said, membership for PBS is open to US residents only), go to the library and borrow it, or buy it off a secondhand book site (since all BookMooch books are secondhand in some way or other), if you don't want to get it new.

And I find it odd that people are blaming John for the perceived lack of diversity of the overall BookMooch inventory. Like the gene pool in a community, to get more diversity, you need more new members - and incentives which encourage more new members should be something to be focused on. So, I would support continuing the 0.1 point for listing a book.

13 years ago
1. Inventory over x months old.

1.1 What is wrong with this? I've had several books that I listed two years ago that have been mooched recently. Thankfully the BM population isn't static and most intelligent readers change their reading habits over a lifetime.

1.2 If old inventory really is a problem, then programme a feature to send an e-mail to the book's owner that will automatically remove the book x weeks later unless the owner clicks on a "relist this book" button that then puts the book back into the inventory AND lists it on the "recently added" page.

1.3 If you remove the .1 point, then anyone who (a) doesn't have a large quick-moving inventory or (b) is outside the US, is unlikely to be able to garner points as not everyone wants to spend their points on international mooches and not everyone can send internationally.
2. Recently published books

It's already been said: not all of us are looking for the latest published book. I've been very happy to pick up some out-of-print books, some of which were published before I was old enough to be a big reader. But these aren't going back into BM. I've no obligation to relist the books I mooch, on the other hand I occasionally pick up books in a sale, that I've no intention of reading, but list them here. Some I thought were an enormous mistake all went overseas within a week of being listed.

3. If you can't find what you're looking for here, please stop whingeing and threatening to go elsewhere - just go! How many of your wishlisted books are you going to find by driving to a second hand bookshop anyway? If you can't find the books you want here, go and buy them! With diesel at well over a euro a litre, I have neither the time not the bank balance to drive hundreds of kilometres looking for my wishlisted books; I'll wait for them to come up on BM or I'll save my pennies and buy them.
13 years ago
I'm probably what one would call an awful bookmoocher. I rarely send abroad (financial reasons), I have had more than my fair share of books canceled (see above), my current inventory isn't too impressive, I like keeping a library, so I keep books if I like them, instead of re-posting them, and I don't really care to join the community past the normal mooch-aspects of the site.

I'm also a picky moocher. I'm a hardcover snob, and will often ignore mooching a book in paperback (so this much-vaunted PBS site would be meaningless for me). I dislike popular books, so my save-for-later list is huge and rarely is there a book available for me to mooch. When there is, it is usually one of the ones I'm least interested in. I have often been shocked by what is not available on Bookmooch.

This all being said, I don't think it needs to change. I don't use Bookmooch as a primary source of reading. I'm OK if I end up with 100 points and nothing to spend on. It is a free site, all things being equal. I spend shipping to get a book. That's a damn good deal. It is always a marvel to me when people spend so much time griping about things that work as they're supposed to and are also free. I list 10 books. I send ten books. That's 11 books I can mooch for the cost of one new hardcover, two new paperbacks, three new mass markets... see the trend? If I find one book for every ten that I am remotely interested in, I am technically saving money. So while I may never have the largest inventory, and don't expect to have the most reliable payout of books I want to books I can get, I will always be posting books to bookmooch. One or two here, a handful there. I don't expect my benefits to be immediate. It is like a free used book store. I don't go to my local used book store and bitch that it doesn't have enough books I want. It's CRAMMED with diverse books. I don't go to my library and kvetch either. Libraries can only function as far as funding goes, and our culture doesn't believe education and information deserves funding. It is not the library's fault if it can't get new books. It is a matter of weak donations and weaker respect for the institution.

Similarly, there is one collective "person" to blame for bookmooch's perceived poor inventory: readers. If I have a copy of The Sun Also Rises that I don't want to post, and you want it, what is bookmooch going to do to make me post it? It shouldn't do anything. It's my book. But I am more to blame than bookmooch is. There are lots of reasons to wait on posting inventory. I might not want to spend $250 in one week shipping out 100 new books. I might not be done with the book. I might think it would be better to try to sell it, or to donate it. But if people are saying they are withholding books because there aren't enough books to mooch for themselves, they should realize that someone like them is part of the problem. The inventory is each of our responsibility, and therefore, it is only as good as the bookmooch users. And while they clearly don't have the same taste as I do (or perhaps they do, and are keeping what I want), I see no reason to believe they're anything but quite good.

So if there's any one thing that bookmooch can do to improve its inventory, it is continue finding ways to bring new people into bookmooch. Preferably people who understand the give and take required to maintain a site of this nature. It seems one person is the driving force behind this site. What good will it do for him to buy 100 books? Even if he got them for $5 at an estate sale or yard sale or library sale, it's still hundreds of dollars for one person to shoulder, and there's still no guarantee those books will be wanted. It needs to be a group effort, and that group needs to include numerous new bodies. That should be bookmooch's prime focus if they feel they need more books (and for a site like this, more is always better). We should be mentioning the site too, and I try to myself when it comes up in conversation, but this thread is about what bookmooch can do, right? That's the biggie: keep getting the word out. More users equal more books. More books equal more diversity. More diversity means more mooching. More mooching means more users.

That brings me to two of the other criticisms/ideas here. First: penalizing unpopular books is so ludicrously corporate. An actual bookstore has things other than James Patterson on their shelves because sometimes people want something other than James Patterson. You might only see one sale on a title, but you'd better believe the person who finds it in stock is going to stick around with that store. It's why somewhere like barnes and noble has those shelves of special orders at their stores: people want unpopular titles as much as popular ones. they just don't want them as quickly. Bookmooch can only be competitive against other trade sites, and even against itself, with the most diverse library possible.

Which leads to that .1 point for listing. It is, as others have said, not enough to make people stop listing. One still has to list ten books to get that single point, and if they send them all, they can make a single extra point. That's not exactly a nest-egg of extra points. But more importantly, it's also not enough to bankrupt the site of books. Yes, if I give 10 and take 12, that means there are negative 2 books left. But that's not how it logistically works. I would imagine that most people do not have an even given-to-gotten ratio, and I'd wager that most people have that ratio dramatically in favor of what they've given. It's a safe bet to make, since there are hundreds of thousands of books on the site. Are they unwanted books? To you now, but not to everyone forever. Tomorrow someone might come on who really wants your oldest inventoried book. Tomorrow you might be recommended a new book that someone else has had sitting around for years in their inventory. If it was removed for being dead-stock, you would have one more reason to complain about not having enough books to mooch. That's how the world works: sometimes you need to invest before you profit. And by sometimes I mean always. Bookmooch can't operate at all if people are going to see it solely as "what can I get?" and not at all think that they are also providing for others. No program can. You cannot get something for free unless someone is contributing more than they're getting back. It's like a free book tax. If that tax offends you, leave. Because it's true, people can abuse the system, but it's not the people who hypothetically are taking 12 books and only giving 10. It's the people who don't understand that to make this site work, people need to be willing to do the opposite, and give more than they get. The best way to keep that running is for people to continue doing what they can do, and for as many people as possible to be a part of the site. Bookmooch itself can't do much of anything for us directly.

13 years ago
"So if there's any one thing that bookmooch can do to improve its inventory, it is continue finding ways to bring new people into bookmooch."
Let's have a Bookmooch celebration week and try to get everyone who likes Bookmooch and the way it operates to encourage 3 more people to dip their toe in the water and see if they enjoy it too!
I always put a Bookmooch bookmark in my (few) Amazon sales, and one or two have told me they have joined. Another moocher joined specifically because a book I had listed here showed up in his google search for it. Yes a lot of my inventory is older books, and after the initial 1000 books mooched from us in the first 9 months here (Oct. 2008- July 2009) the mooching has been slow, but yesterday two were mooched, one dated 1941 and the other probably about 1970 publication. I have had emails saying the delight in finding a favourite childhood book from the 40s or 50s, and I have been able gradually to expand my reading into this century! My mooch ratio is .23:1, but what friends I have made worldwide!

...and if you can't get books you want and are here for the long haul read the Wiki entry about journalling,

and have a look at the journal site
and the journalling forum,

BookMooch Journals
and consider joining us in a new addictive pastime!

13 years ago
 I regret the passing of the reservation for friends option, as I used to use that to recommend a book to all my friends' list and that book would be guaranteed to be mooched within minutes. Now I have to individually write in the ids of each friend.

There is an undocumented feature with reserving books: you put the word "friends" in as the person to reserve the book for, and the book will be reserved for your friends.

I just now put a line in the Wiki about this feature.

The "reserve for friends" feature was taken away because lots of people used it, and a lot of people hated it. The feature is still there, but harder to find, so that it gets used less, when it's really appropriate rather than all the time.


John Buckman
13 years ago
 I'd suggest the ability to search by language of text (rather than where the book is) would be a start and perhaps one of the easier sort parameters - please don't forget Welsh/Cymraeg if you do this, as searching for key words in Welsh is not easy, most key words are so short they exist as part of longer words in other languages.

Yes, that's also high on my own wishlist, as ISBN country-of-origin is not an accurate way to track language. I believe better data on language of each book will come with the LibraryThing Import too.


John Buckman
13 years ago
Diolch yn fawr iawn John for taking the time to answer the two points I made, and not taking me to task for using the blog to make a crafty ad. for journalling! ;-)

Journalling is a sustainable form of mooching, as all journals should be passed on within two weeks of receipt, and when requesting journals from abroad most journallers ask for two or three at a time, or look at books in the person's inventory too.
Helping with the journal site has also given me a glimpse into the time and effort needed to sustain a site, so llongyfarchiadau = congratulations for all your hard work!

13 years ago
 Here's where I'm confused. I'll admit right now the books I have listed are so-called "junk books". Why do I leave them there? Because most libraries or used book stores have no interest for them and because it doesn't hurt anyone. Plus one day someone might want one of them.

Genevieve: you absolutely are doing the right thing by posting those books that seem to have no value. "A new home for old books" was one of my original slogans for BM, and the home page illustration is all about unloved books finding new love with a new reader.

And more to the point, a few months ago I blogged about some analysis of the BM book catalog, and found that almost all books are mooched within 2 years. If I remember correctly, about 50% are mooched in a year, another 30% within the next year. Sometimes, it just takes a few years for the right home for your old books to come along, but the stats showed very few books (less than 10%) staying homeless after a few years.

Ah here it is: Not much junk on BM


John Buckman
13 years ago
 I don't understand where you're getting this figure of half a million books. When I go to browse the books published in English, I'm told that there are only 141792, and looking at the other numbers for other languages I don't see them adding up to half a million. Paucity alone wouldn't be so bad, but BookMooch is sorely lacking in terms of diversity as well. We've got thousands of Dan Brown, Stephen King, and John Grisham novels alone.

Yes, there are "only" 140,000 distinct titles in English currently available on BM.

There are about 400,000 total books available, which can be seen on the stats page:

The number of books currently being mooched has remained fairly stable for the past three years at around 20,000 books:

About 75% of books added to BM are mooched within 2 years:
Not much junk on BM

leading me to believe that there are not many "junk" books on BM.

As to "too much Dan Brown" a few months ago I did some analysis of that, and found that the top 100 most available books on BM accounted for just 4% of the total inventory, so that's just not the case.

I should point out that lots of people like Dan Brown, and while he may not be High Literature, I myself enjoyed mooching and reading Davinci Code and Angels & Demons, as well as the Harry Potter novels, as an enjoyable break from brainier material (I'm currently reading the High Lit travel classic "Two Towns in Provence" by MFK Fisher which I also mooched).

There's a reason the best-sellers have ... ahem ... sold so many copies, it's because people wanted to read them. So if there are 100 copies of Anita Shreve available for mooching - maybe you'd enjoy her?


John Buckman
13 years ago
 1.3 If you remove the .1 point, then anyone who (a) doesn't have a large quick-moving inventory or (b) is outside the US, is unlikely to be able to garner points as not everyone wants to spend their points on international mooches and not everyone can send internationally.
2. Recently published books

I like the +0.1 point for listing a book. It seems to:
a) create an easy way for new users to get started
b) create an incentive for listing lots of books, of which (on average) 75% are mooched within 2 years.

Just to be clear: I don't believe that I've ever suggested taking away the 0.1 point for listing a book.

What I did suggest is that when you give away a book, that perhaps you should receive .9 points, so that the .1 + .9 = 1 point, not 1.1 points, as it exists today. Another idea was that it'd cost 1.1 points to mooch, and the giver would receive 1 point (thus balancing out the small .1 inflation for each newly listed book).

These thoughts are simply me brainstorming.

I suggest lots of ideas, but do very few of them: that's the purpose of the forum for me, to air ideas and see where they lead.

I don't currently plan on changing the way the 0.1 point gets handled. I wanted to air a lot of ideas, but do very few of them.


John Buckman
13 years ago
Cara wrote, "Often you don't need to list all the different editions of a book if you have "show related editions" turned on in your wishlist."
How do you do this? And at what point? I've listed several editions of the same book in my wishlist because I did not realize Cara's suggestion was possible.
13 years ago
"...replacing the amazon book topics with much better data, probably from librarything, so that topic browsing becomes more helpful."


13 years ago
"Yes, there are "only" 140,000 distinct titles in English currently available on BM.
There are about 400,000 total books available, which can be seen on the stats page:"

Compare that with five million books and nearly seven hundred thousand distinct titles on paperbackswap. The inventory on this site is woefully inadequate. You really can't see the need for improvement?

13 years ago
I find it very disrespectful and conceited to come to a site and boast about how this other site you use has a better selection and better titles, because you know what? Opinions are like assh*les, everybody has one. No one is forcing you to be part of this community, the virtual door is right there, you are free to leave and post your books exclusively on another site. It seems like we are going around in circles with those who think this site is like a library or a bookstore and those who UNDERSTAND what a used book site really is.
13 years ago
Revamping the topics sounds really good to me - I've often said 'hm, I have lots of points, let's go look for something' but been frustrated by the bad topics.

Something else that would really make it easier for me to find books to mooch: grouping by BOOK not by edition.

Examples make it easier. I might hear of an author and think 'okay, I'll mooch some of his books and see what they're like' so I come and search for, I don't know, 'John Grisham'. You're often presented with lots of listings for different editions of the same books. What I would prefer is to have each book listed with the TOTAL number of moochable copies - a general page for each book, not edition. This would simplify finding books to mooch as you would see instantly which books were available (likewise, searching by a word, you'd see one listing of each book, not a screen taken up with listings of the same book). It would also make it easier to compare which copy to mooch as all the listings would be on one page. At the moment, I have to open each edition, see who will send to my country, look at all the condition notes and eventually make a choice after flicking through loads and loads of tabs. Obviously, the edition-specific stuff needs to be maintained for people who want a specific edition, but I imagine most people just want the book and don't much care.

13 years ago
Frank, if PBS is perfect for your needs in every way, why are you here instead of there? There's not much point of joining a site other than PBS and then complaining that it's not exactly the same.

BM caters to a slightly different group of people. If you like the newest, shiniest bestseller automatically then go for PBS. If your tastes are more wide ranging or eclectic and you don't mind checking your wishlist everyday, then BM will suit you better. IMO, there's no point of two identical sites.

13 years ago
I put a lot of new books on Bookmooch. Sometimes I send them over seas. My only problem is that other people who mooch the new books, seem to keep them instead of remooching them. This seems to happen with books that are hard to find. To all the moochers who have mooched books by Karen Kingsbury and others, when you have finished reading them, please pass them on. Debbie Australia
13 years ago
John, thank you for all your hard work and your constantly trying to improve the site's functionality.
Please, when you make the new search engine, please, do not forget to make non-latin languages functionable too. Searching in greek has not worked for ages and it is practically impossible to search for a specific greek book or writer.
Thank you!
13 years ago
I rarely comment on John's posts, but I have to comment on this one. I haven't read all the above commenter's offerings, but I am just amazed that people complain Bookmooch doesn't have much active inventory.

I have three shelves on a bookcase dedicated to books I really want to read, I'm really excited to read, and 75% of them have come from Bookmooch. I have a huge wishlist, hundreds of books long, and every other week or so, something awesome pops up.

Patience is key.

I just received a book that's been on my wishlist for more than 2 years. It's out of print. I'm really excited about it. I just happened to log in one day when it had just been added. This has happened a few times.

I think people with varied reading tastes, who are in it for the long haul, who give enough books that they have plenty of points to spend, etc - won't have a problem finding fantastic stuff.

It's a big circle for me, too. My husband and I are both huge readers, and he is a writer and a teacher, too. We only have so much bookshelf space. We read a lot of books and then don't have space to keep them all. Sometimes when I list a book, it gets mooched within the hour. Sometimes it takes a week. Sometimes it takes a year. But almost everything I've ever listed has eventually been mooched.

I wonder what is the basis of these inventory complaints, for a service that is essentially free and lands beautiful books in our laps.

Incidentally, I'm not a member of any of the other book-swapping sites, but when I joined BookMooch, I researched all of the available sites and decided BookMooch was the best one for me. I guess if I were a reseller, or I had some massive volume of books I were trying to move or acquire, or I had VERY specific interests, I might have reason to complain. But I am wary of making complaints on a free service anyway. (And I am a supporter, so it's not free for me, but that is my choice.)

Okay, rant over.

Thanks, John, for providing such a wonderful service.

13 years ago
I also haven't commented before and have been a member for several years. I believe that PBS was the other site that I had joined and trying to make a trade there was nothing but a hassle, perhaps they have changed their swapping system. I have several hundred points I could use, a full-sized bookshelf (double to triple depth) of books to read. I like to read series straight through so won't start a book if I know it's part of a series until I have the whole set.
When I list books I will list everything available so my full inventory is available for multi-book mooches (which actually saves postage in most circumstances). I will update my status so moochers will know if I can send out right away or it may be a wait.
I check out the recommended books and have found great books there. The only downfall with that for me is that friends also give me books to get rid of that I would have no interest in reading and that makes for a lot of deleting recommendations.
You have too many points to spend? There are a bunch of charities that would love a gift of points to spend. Schools, small libraries, churches, and yes, prison reading programs (and they don't seem to be looking for casual reading) as well.

Oh, and John? Could you add an "Oops, not sent button" for those of us who don't always have the greatest aim please?


Maria S
13 years ago
I've only been a member for a couple months, and have already had a bunch of books mooched from me, and I've mooched a bunch too! I can't believe people are such whiners. It's ridiculous. I've gotten several popular, in demand books already. I log on and look at my wishlist several times a day to see if any of them have "mooch" next to them. The emails don't come the second someone adds a book to their inventory. I've gotten my more popular books from seeing them as moochable on my wishlist, not from relying on the emails.

I also have listed some popular and sought after books in my inventory and they get snatched up right away, which means that other people besides myself are getting good books. I listed "shit my dad says" and it was snapped up literally in under 2 minutes. As others have said, it's a bit of luck that goes along with this.

Also, I wouldn't be afraid to list books you think are undesireable. I listed a bunch of super old books I found in my grandma's basement (she gave me permission, don't worry) and after checking to make sure they weren't worth a significant amt of money, I listed them on here. I was so surprised when some of them were mooched! Totally shows that one person's trash is another's treasure. A good majority of books I list in my inventory aren't on a single wishlist and still end up getting mooched.

I'm extremely happy with this site overall. I first heard about it on the Racheal Ray show. I'm a 30 year old female (some people like that demograhical info when reading someones opinion in forums).

Thanks for this site!

13 years ago
I don't understand how anyone can gripe about the moochlist. The people who run the site don't supply the books, we do. I intend on updating my list and when I buy a book I'll probably give list it here. The only books I plan on holding on to, are books that teach me how to do something, Shadows of the Wind, anything by Amy Tan, Laura Esquivel, Wally Lamb and John Irving. I think our wishlist should be books we plan on buying unless it comes available and then decide if we want to give the book away. We have to try and look at giving instead of receiving and go from there.
13 years ago
The recommended books are pretty good, but they aren't always moochable. I clicked on one and found a single copy with "not to your country" status. :-(
13 years ago
I have one small request for the Recommendations. Can we please have a 'Show Unmoochable' option please? That'll help me find books I can add to my wishlist. I've found a bunch that had copies on the site but were "not to your country" so they became entries on my WL. Cheers John.
13 years ago
1. I don't agree with calling books that have been on inventories for a while "junk books", many of these books in the Non-English speaking world can be classics. Some are not mooched as the number of BMers in that country are not many and a non-english book will have less people trying to mooch it anyway. Another problem is that some of the Non- English books have been added manually as they are not on the Amazon database and there are typos, etc so the book does not come up in some searches. BTW-I have just had an older classic mooched which has been in my inventory for some months.

2. I hate it when people continue comparing PBS to BM....For those in the US there is a choice what site to use...for many others there is NO choice. Whoever wants to read a book in a language that is not that of the country they are living in or want to read in different languages BM may be the ONLY option.
I live in Italy, have been mooching and reading English, Italian and French books... all thanks to BM.

3. I have not been adding books to my inventory and will not add for a few weeks...The reason for this is due to postage costs. I have many English books to add and due to the high increase in postage costs I cannot afford to send one book per Bmer abroad....I hope that by adding 10-20 books that whoever mooches will multimooch therefore cutting postage costs per book and give me the possibility of accepting mooches worldwide once again.

4. I have been finding lots of books from my takes patience, a big WL and the curiosity of reading different kinds of books.

13 years ago
@ Angela Report her for abuse, and mail the other delayed moochers to warn them it is a possible scammer. Admin. will sort it out from there.

Oh, mail her first to say that having sent a book you are disappointed to see that she has delayed your book and all the others requested for far too long you would like to know what she intends doing, and what exactly the length of the delay is likely to be - sometimes new moochers are overwhelmed when they first join, with far more mooches than they expected, but then one would expect at least as many books to have been sent by her as have been sent to her.

13 years ago
I belong to both sites and maintain the same wishlist on each. Up until the RSS wishlist feed was installed here and everybody got the wishlist email at the same time, I can honestly say that I got equal/ more books at Bookmooch than I did at PBS. And I kept a higher inventory posted here because I needed the points.

HOWEVER- since the implementation of the RSS feed and the staggered wishlist emails and the ability of everyone on the site to see a wishlist book has been posted, I get virtually nothing on my wishlist. It has taken me nearly 6 months to use 5 points. Where then (like Frank) is my incentive to list more books to mooch for others if I can't get anything that I'm looking for?

You may say that part of the fun is sending to others and I won't disagree. But- that "fun" costs me $2.50 domestic or $7.00 to the rest of the world. That's some pretty expensive "fun" with no return.

13 years ago
Angela, if you click on the "abuse" button, admin will take a look at that member. Don't worry, it doesn't automatically affect that person and lots of times the person just needs someone official to explain how BM works.
13 years ago
Cover images are not important to me. I really would prefer that the search features be re-vamped, as well as the recommendations- presently they are not much use. Is there some way to use LibraryThing type data for listing books- many books on BM are listed with no author name, or part of a name.
Also, can you do something about members who have not been on the site for years- I came across someone who had not been active for over 1,500 days.
13 years ago
I'm very happy with the wish list function and have received quite a few books from my list. You just never know what may suddenly be listed, and I've been adding more and more books to my wish list. Having a wish granted is a nice bonus to being a member of the site!
13 years ago
I'm also happy with the availability of books listed for 2+ years that nobody else wants, because there are times when it turns out I want that book. Due to finances and time, I only have a few books listed right now but I'm always amazed when I have a book, think "Nobody's going to want this old thing," and then I check Bookmooch and somebody is waiting for that book. Or I list a book, and it isn't on anyone's wishlist, but still, within 3-4 hours, the book is snapped up by someone who really wants it. That's a great feeling, matching up a person with a book.
13 years ago
I am guessing they want John to buy the books and list them here. SMH I personally have had more success with this site than either Swaptree or PBS. I mooch books that are on my recommendation list because they are pretty accurate to my taste in books (although I read just about everything)

1. I check my email and or wishlist frequently for books that are on my list.
2. I do not keep books in my inventory just to have points..what is the POINT? if nobody wants them?
3. I list them if nobody bites I donate them to my local library.
4. I check others wishlists when I mooch to see if I can return the favor
5. I list books I get from bookmooch back on bookmooch especially if they are one of the most wishlisted books.

As long as the popular books are mooched here and swapped on another site, there will always be a shortage.
I'm grateful for all you have done John to make my bookmooching pleasurable :)

13 years ago
Hi John, I'm excited to see that a new search engine is in the works. I would like to preface my comment by saying I've gotten a number of wonderful books from the site, which has been pleasantly surprising since a lot of them are somewhat obscure. I love Bookmooch, though I'm frustrated to have so many points and often can't find things I'd like given the search can be so frustrating and slow to use!! (I have a 300+ wishlist and add things often since this seems to be the best way for me to go about spending points at the moment.) I see the search engine as being integral to inventory "problems" as with people being able to find things easier, there will be more mooches and more listings because people will feel confident knowing they will be able to find things to spend points on.

Don't mean to touch on something that is obviously a nerve - but that is one thing about PBS that I love. I know I can find something to spend a point on right away given they have rather powerful search features. I really appreciate the work put into this site and it seems like you are the sole person behind it. Understand that your proposed changes may take a lot of time, and perhaps introducing mechanisms for us to help may lessen your own workload.

13 years ago

When John posted this, did anyone look at it? Roughly, it breaks down like this:

Feb'08 approx. 420,000 books available on this site
Aug'08 approx. 550,000
Feb'09 approx. 550,000
Aug'09 approx. 550,000
Feb'10 approx. 490,000
Aug'10 approx. 420,000
Feb'11 approx. 400,000

Basically, this site peaked two or three years ago, and has been going downhill ever since. It is not thriving, and won't unless major changes are made. John has stated that about 80% of the accounts on this site are inactive- well why do you think that is? The tiny, shrinking inventory must have something to do with it. And when people have more points than they can spend, they will stop listing books. Of course, this only adds to the problem, but what else can we do?

Getting rid of the .1 point for listing books wouldn't solve the problem over night, but when members' points start to run out (might take a year) they would be forced to add more books. Eventually, this downward slide would be reversed and the problem solved.

13 years ago
"Frank, if PBS is perfect for your needs in every way, why are you here instead of there? There's not much point of joining a site other than PBS and then complaining that it's not exactly the same."

A fair question. I joined both sites over a year ago. Paperbackswap isn't perfect (not by a long shot), but it works. As for why I'm still on this site, I put a fair amount of money into this site (before I realized how screwed up it really was) and I'm not about to walk away from 38 unused points. If I had it to do over again, I wouldn't bother. But, I suppose I'll have to stick around until I can find 38 books on this site that I actually want. Maybe just 35 if I remove my inventory.

13 years ago
@Frank: these statistics of number of books available for mooching are in my opinion meaningless unless they're read alongside the number of ACTIVE BM mmebers.

Would someone please produce some MEANINGFUL statistics!
. How many books were mooched daily, weekly, monthly over the same three year period?
. Has the frequency of mooching evolved?
. Which countries have seen a growth in rheir active mooching population, which a decline?

It's been said many, many times on differnet forums. Clear out the inactive accounts and then we'll see what BM is really about. Why is hiding inactive accounts such an issue? Post a warning that all accounts that have been inactive tore than say six months will be archived, and DO IT. Anyone who wants their account back can then simply apply for the account to be reinstated. This needn't require complicated programming that would lose history, simply get rid of inventory that isn't actually moochable.
13 years ago
jacquie, inactive members don't have inventories listed, right? So the numbers should be vailid. However, I would LOVE to see a comparison of march '09 vs. the present. It's a safe bet that the number of total active members and number of books listed per member have decreased considerably and the numbers of unused points per active member have increased dramatically.
13 years ago
Clear out the inactive accounts and then we'll see what BM is really about. Why is hiding inactive accounts such an issue? How about everyone who has more points than they can spend mooch a book or two from some inactive accounts, wait a week or so and then vacation them? It doesn't take a lot of effort and is a service you can do to help Bookmooch.
13 years ago
Cara, your last post actually made sense... But it already happens- inactive accounts are vactioned every day. In fact, none of them last very long before they're put on vaction.
13 years ago
the problem with mooching from inactive members is that the mooch is still counted when working out your mooch ratio, even though you have cancelled it. i have done it before to remove something from my wishlist that wasn't available, but am reluctant to do it again after this happened, i don't want my statistics affected by what is effectively the actions of others!

so many inactive members' books do still appear.

and, they are still showing up when looking at how many people wishlist a book, another annoyance.

clearing the inactive members should be a big priority as far as i'm concerned.

and yes, the search! i am looking forward to this being improved immensely. i do get good recommendations from that function, but as someone has stated, many are actually unmoochable as they won't send to my country. i'd love to be able to get accurate recommendations or just browse categories that reflected the books accurately, i'd spend far more points if i could do this. i'd love to be able to get more books for my son, but it's near impossible to just browse children's books for example.

13 years ago
@ Frank:

Your statistics are meaningless. It's like the people who tout polls when they ask "leading questions" to influence the poll.

Like any membership site, membership rates are going to fluctuate over time. This is not a bell curve, or a sine curve, or any such curve. It is what it is. It goes up, it goes down.

The strength of Bookmooch is the availability of books internationally. I got a book I REALLY REALLY wanted from Australia. Are you willing to spend 3 of your 38 points for a book that you really want if it comes-up in Australia. It might take a couple of months to get to you, but you will be enriched by the experience.

When I first joined, I had almost 150 books . Operation Paperback (who get books for soldiers in the army and then mails them out to them), mooched almost 35 books from me. That's an amazing experience.

The other thing that strongly correlates with the numbers you quote (which as I said are completely OUT OF CONTEXT) is the economy. The economy went into the tank in 2008, around the world. No wonder less people joined BM and growth was halted.

The other thing that's a trend today is the growth of E-Book Readers. You can not discount them, even though they seem to have peaked at 12% of market penetration... (I don't have one, but I want one).

So quoting numbers out of context, bad.

I think John B. is trying to make concrete efforts to make BookMooch relevant no matter what. He's making suggestions and opening the discussion to all. Give him a chance.

Hercules40 (a.k.a. PapaG)
13 years ago

You're telling me that going from nearly 550,000 available books to less than 400,000 available books is meaningless? LMFAO!!! When does it become meaningful? When the inventory drops to 300,000? Maybe 200,000? And exactly how do you figure that I quoted the numbers "out of context"? They are what they are.

As for the economy, it hasn't hurt PaperBackSwap at all. A little more than a year ago they had four million books listed, now they're up to five million.

13 years ago
@ Frank, I can give you one reason that people might be inactive on the site that has nothing to do with the shrinking inventory, and I can verify that it's valid because it's MY reason. It's called being unemployed. Since my partner hadn't worked for almost a year we simply had no money to mail books and had to recoup some of the hard cash by taking books I had read to our local used book store and selling them. And I'm not on other book swapping sites because this was the easiest one for me to deal with... being generally annoyed with both people and computers. And, since I work with statistics professionally I can tell you that without the demographics of the populations on individual sites that would allow you to compare geographic location, income, education, employment status and other stats, your comparison between sites in totally invalid.

As for not finding anything, well, if I might put this politely, horse-apples. If you take the time to really explore (look at things like keywords, alternate spellings, weird editions and whatnot) you can find all manner of treasures... out of print, first editions, autographed, etc. all of which I myself have happily mooched myveryownself.

Now, if all you are looking for is currently popular, top-50 grocery store books, well, then I would say you would do better somewhere else. It's always been like that here. This is not exactly breaking news. People have been complaining about it forever... people being people. In which case, may I suggest you donate your 38 points to a charity, call it a tax write-off if you must, and head on over to whatever site really blows the sparkles up your skirt. Then you won't have to stress yourself over something that clearly annoys the crap out of you.

SpongeBob FishPants
13 years ago

There are lots of inactive accounts with inventories. I've seen a large handful in the last week, most of whom haven't been on the site for at least 9 months. So, their inventory is in the system, and they are not being "vacationed."

I like Cara's idea...I think we should do it! :-)


13 years ago
SpongeBob, like I said, the economy and unemployment problems haven't slowed down PaperBackSwap at all. So it's hard to believe that they've effected this site so dramatically.

As for your ability to find a ton of books on this site... Congrats! Personally, I've found that most of the books I want aren't readily available on this site. Many of them are available on PaperBackSwap and as I acqure points on that site, I've been getting the books I want. But this is really galling considering that I currently have 38 points on this site that are sitting around collecting dust. Obviously, I'm a somewhat more discriminating reader than some of you guys (maybe that's a negative thing). But this site is definitely not meeting my needs, and judging by the fact that 80% of accounts on this site are inactive, I'd say that plenty of people feel the some way.

As for only wanting "currently popular, top-50 grocery store books", less than five of my wishlisted books could ever be remotely categorized as such.

13 years ago
@ Frank
ooooh, 5 million LISTED, big deal. The real question would be how many books are actually being requested, sent, in other words MOVING around percentage-wise.

And like SpongeBob, I can give you a solid reason why inventory has dropped. I used to have close to 600 books in my inventory....until I moved last a smaller apartment...a much smaller apartment. I'm down to around 200 and still have to whittle back because of lack of room (and yes, they're in boxes). Not only has BM lost inventory with me doing this, I've lost potential pts as I've had to make decisions on what to get rid of(which have been more the top-50 as people seem to want my older, eclectic ones)

To be perfectly honest, I tried out about half a doxen diff sites when I first started about 3-4 yrs ago. BookMooch is the best as far as having READERS for members. Did PBS, bunch of prima donnas over there, just interested in the "now", trendy stuff. Wish I had found BM when I first closed my store.

And as SpongeBob has already come out and said what I've been basically thinking since you started your ranting, "So long, farewell, AufWiedersehn, goodbye", don't let the door hit you.

13 years ago
Robin and Cara,

So you two are saying that when John says there are about 400,000 books available on this site, he's including lots of books that aren't actually available? LOL ...And you all still believe that this site is thriving? Hell, it's worse than I thought.

13 years ago
@ Frank, while you may find it difficult to believe that factors such as unemployment might affect BM more than other sites, again, without a statistical analysis of population factors you have no basis for that belief other than a guess which I suspect is strongly influenced by your dissatisfaction.

As for your comment about being a discriminating reader, well, again that is open for VERY subjective interpretation. I could easily say that since others on here who, possibly including you, haven't chosen to mooch Ward and Whipple's "Freshwater Biology" are CLEARLY uneducated boobs with no interest in the finer points of distinguishing aquatic inverts and are probably mouth-breathers who spray when they chew. I mean, hello? Could you possibly make your position a bit more unsympathetic?

SpongeBob FishPants
13 years ago

Well, if you want to contribute for this site to thrive then you know what to do. But I can not really know what your purpose of being here...I could speculate though...

- are you from PBS to get customers for them?
- are you here to hit the pond? criticize and make fun of it?
- are you here to advertise PBS?
- are you telling us that we believe everything John say? and we are going to preach him next?

If one of these are your purpose... Tschüs, paalam, good bye, you're not welcome here!

13 years ago
FRRRaaank, somewhat more discriminating reader than some of you guys ????
I have books on my WL that will never see the light of day here, because I use it as a tool as well as a wish-fulfillment list, and just because I and many others have plebian enough tastes to enjoy the occassional Sparks, Coulter, Patterson, and even Harlequins, doesn't mean we don't have a desire to get our hands on books that really matter to us, books on naval history, astronomy, physics and the like.

No, you are not more discriminating, what you appear to be I can not even state, other than to attempt to calm down and say "You know how I've mentioned prima donnas earlier?....."

13 years ago
I don't mind people making suggestions on how to improve BM but thee seems altogther too much negativity on these forums at present. I agree with Cara-I don't need to points at the moment but I still list books. I even go round charity shops and pick up books that I know there are big wishlists for to give somebody the chance to read them, and would willingly check someone's wishlist to see what I could find where I live.Hopefully, these books will come back on BM after being read. What we need is more people doing this (and I appreciate economics is a factor here) and for most people to be willing to send internationally. If everyone had Frank's idea of running down their inventory because they could not find anything to mooch then we should all just stop now-he is missing the point, you do it to help other book lovers (as well as yourself) and the thrill of getting a book you really want. As Heather says you have to be patient, it's not instant gratification time here. If this is what he feels like then by all means go to PBS and and leave BM alone (some of us don't have the luxury of joining PBS as we are outside the USA.)At the end of the day this is a essentially a 'free'service costing postage only not a second hand bookshop with endless stock.
Jo Gadsden
13 years ago
Cara, I just mooched 10 Dan Brown books from inactive members...we'll see. If I have a bunch of Dan Brown books in my inventory this spring, we'll know how well it worked lol :)

I picked people who had been inactive for 100+ days, and who had more han just a few books listed in their inventories.

If it works, I'll do 10 or so every couple of weeks.

13 years ago
Frank does not appreciate the effect the economy has had on BookMooch. BookMooch has always had a smaller membership base than PBS... so what? Who cares?! John B. has taken concrete steps to increase it, and make the BM experience better. There are BM cards, there are BM bookmarks. I put them in all sorts of books I give away, here, on PBS, through Amazon and through E-Bay.

I have thousands of Books, a tiny percentage of which is listed on BM right now -- including some Readers Digest's books. I have had success moving one or two of them before. Why don't I list more? Economics. I am unemployed... but hopefully soon to be employed again, if the winds are blowing correctly (they seem to be... :).

So you keep putting this idea down, I've presented it before, but here it is. Instead of telling you to go, I'll tell you AGAIN: Why don't you try to increase the BM membership by enticing PBS members to come over here? Why don't you ask family members, co-workers, friends, family , etc., to join? Then BM will be more to your liking, with more books.

Hercules40 (a.k.a. PapaG)
13 years ago
Frank - the comment, "Obviously, I'm a somewhat more discriminating reader than some of you guys" makes you sound awfully trollish. What a ridiculous thing to say. I might agree if you said your interests were much narrower. Discriminating? I don't know about that. One of my interests is books on Korea and Korean history, and I've had no trouble finding plenty of books in this area. I get at least a couple wishlist hits a week. You've been on the site two months, I've been on it nearly five years. You might want to give it a little more time before deciding you know what's best for everyone else.

Anyway, if your goal was to stir things up, congratulations.

13 years ago
Hey Frank,

Two more things:
1) I just snagged "The Lost Symbol" from someone... Are you sure you have it listed correctly in your Wish List? I got it here much sooner than I did on PBS. Make sure you add related editions...

2) Two you have a "Friends of the Library" bookstore where you are? In my town, a lot of those Time Life books you have in your Wish List are available. Do you ever check there? Have you checked "Freecycle"?

A lot of people, when getting rid of their books due to moving or whatever, list their books on Freecycle. You might NEVER see the Time Life books because people who normally have them, keep them in their collections. They don't want to give them away. Have you thought of that? You might NEVER see those come-up on BM or PBS!!! You want me to check the FOL Bookstore for some of these titles for you?

Hercules40 (a.k.a. PapaG)
13 years ago
@MichelleCara, I just mooched 10 Dan Brown books from inactive members Michelle, thats great. It never occurred to me to do it by author! I usually do it by country. The last time I mooched a dozen books from countries starting with "A" and "B" and a few fellow Canadians. Re: the concern about this being reflected in your history: I have a message in my profile saying that I do this and therefore have a slightly larger amount of cancellations. I don't think cancellations count in your ratio do they? Anyway, my ratio is fine so I'm not worried about it.
13 years ago
Hey Frank!

I've checked your wishlist and I have at least five books that you wishlisted... so your books aren't impossible to find here. I won't reserved them for you though...rather list them for grabs. But then 5 books will cost you 10 points...they will make your 38 points less.

13 years ago

You make a good point about how many books are being moved by PBS. Many popular titles have hundreds of copies to be mooched. I refuse to spend a rare point on those when I can probably find it at my library's sale bin.

Spongebob - I find it incredibly difficult to find listed books that I would like to mooch and I'm sure it's not a problem with inventory so much as the system. I have tried a variety of different ways of searching in order to find the things I'd like and all too often books come up that are completely unrelated to the search in addition to a liberal amount of that top 50 stuff. Often the search works so slow as it is that I don't have the patience to sit there only for a list like that to be pulled up. ADDENDUM: Searching by author is a pleasant exception, and my searches for books tonight have been nearly instant, as opposed to the 2-5 minute waits I used to have.

Not bashing bookmooch - for me the wishlist has yielded a number of obscure gems I'm quite happy to have gotten. But not all of us have had the same positive experience trying to attain books through other means such as search or watching the recently listed feed.

(Off topic ramble: Another thing that would be really awesome is a bulk wishlist add feature... like checkboxes next to each book that shows up in a search, given I probably want most of them. ;x)

13 years ago
@Michelle - thanks for the tip. I've just mooched from inactive members in France. It'll mess up my ratio, and potentially leave me with books I don't want if these members ever do reply, but (a) those books will show up as "recent", which should please Frank ;-) and (b) those inactive members will be archived if they don't reply.
13 years ago
Why so much wishlisting moaning? Be adventurous and mooch something you aren't sure about! You might just like it. If you don't, then put it back on BM and increase the number of books in circulation.

I've recently been looking at my TBR shelves and picking up some of those "whyever did I mooch that?" books. Some I've enjoyed and passed on elsewhere, some have been read and are circulating again within BM, some I've put to one side to have another bite at later, and some I've read a few pages and decided they were definitely mistakes. Interestingly though, the books I decided were mistakes for me have been snatched up quite quickly because they'd turned up on someone else's wishlist. One man's meat...
Maybe we'd all better have another look at our TBR shelves and pass on those we'll never wade through. If nothing else, it ought to increase the number of books available for mooching - after all, some people who are moaning about books available to mooch seem only concerned that the number of books on BM is declining.
13 years ago
I've never seen such an obnoxious bunch of children. I'll tell you what, kiddies. I'm done with these boards, I'm pretty much done with this site. I'll spend my 30-something points on whatever the hell I can find that I "might" want to read one of these years. I'll keep two points just in case (by miracle) one of my wishlisted books ever come up.

In two or three years when this site dies, I'll come back for one big "I told you so", if I can stop laughing long enough to do it. You guys deserve a dead site.

13 years ago
go ahead...just don't forget to close the door and never come back. *wave*
13 years ago
ahhh! Don't worry too much Frank *waving with wide grin* I'm 30 something now and when I'm 70 something I'll still be here, hoping to reach that age. We'll miss you though...
13 years ago
Ok, well...Frank has gotten what he subliminally wished for...enough disrespect to justify leaving us.

I don't know if this is of interest in this conversation, but I am actually a very happy member of both BookMooch and PBS. I can't keep my points at PBS, but I can get rid of LOTS of stuff at Bookmooch. And it will all work out in the end. I'm looking to do some more Bulk Mooching now on BM, for a couple of projects I'm working on (Books for Keeps, for kids, and books for Prisoners) so I'm confident I'll be able to use up my 34 points. Maybe I'll go do what Michelle and others have done and mooch from a bunch of "possibly inactive" folks, to help clear things up.

When I joined Bookmooch, like when I join any online community, I read the documents about the group. I found the survey *very* that the primary reason people are here is for the Reading Community, and that was unique to BM.

So maybe those who are more hit and run (I'm not sure how else to characterize it) will drop by periodically, but when you get someone who sticks, you'll know you've got quality.

Maybe that's what John is after. Quality. not Quantity.


13 years ago
Well, you get what you give in life, and so it seems on BM!I have only come across really nice and appreciative BM users and long may that continue. BM does not need nasty, small minded people like Frank who will not enter into the spirit of BM and do it for the love of books and other booklovers. If Frank does keep his 2 points to mooch a book later I think he will find nobody will send it to him anyway! And Denise, yes I too suspect that he is not real and is just trying to stir things up by being nasty.
Jo Gadsden
13 years ago
Ok, I'm working on the German Inactives. Maybe if each American were to take a letter of the alphabet, we could work through this really quickly!

JOHN -- tell us if you want us to stop helping! :-)

13 years ago
How very sad for Frank. He is missing out on a wonderful community of readers. Sure we have our little spats now and then, but largely we are here because we love books. I tried to give him some suggestions on getting more out of Bookmooch but I guess he didn't understand my post (since he indicated my posts didn't "make sense"). I've been a member since 2006. I've mooched and sent thousands of books. And I've had fun. And not by sitting at home waiting for a wishlist email to arrive in my in-box. I've made many friends who share the same reading interests, sent them books and had books sent to me. I found out about new authors, series, genres that I may never have tried. I look out for books on the wishlists of others and have others who do the same for me. I have participated in the forums on general (sometimes heated) discussions to improve Bookmooch. The Angel network was the result of one such discussion. Once I became more experienced I sent smooches and tips to newbie Canadians and gave advice and information where I could in the forums. I look through the wishlists of people in smaller (in Bookmooch terms) countries and see if I can find them books. I angel mooch when I can and help maintain the angel network page. I try to "vacation" inactive accounts when I can. I have literally given away thousands of points to charity and fellow moochers. I am not trying to blow my own horn. By being an active and, I hope, constructive member of Bookmooch I have managed to find the most obscure and hard to find wishlist books that I doubt I would have been able to get anywhere else, at least not affordably.

@Robin Maybe if each American were to take a letter of the alphabet, we could work through this really quickly! Also, if each American (and everyone else) were to post 1 highly wishlisted book it would help. Also, just once, find someone in another country who has trouble getting books. See if you have something on their wishlist, or can find it really cheaply and send it to them. I realize sending internationally is a challenge for many, but just once? Or find an angel who will send it on for you. If we can remember that Bookmooch is more than a "free book service" and stop approaching it as consumers and start approaching it as a really cool book club with benefits we will all have a better reading community.

Okay, off soap box;)

13 years ago
@ Cara I think that about sums it up in a nutshell really....
Jo Gadsden
13 years ago
Thanks Jo @ Cara I think that about sums it up in a nutshell really.... a long and really wordy nutshell perhaps;)
13 years ago
@Cara True spirit of Bookmooch! (my shortest post ever)
13 years ago
Once again Frank did not get what we were trying to tell him.

Too bad.

His loss, not ours.

We made an effort.

I myself, tried to give hims suggestion on how to make his reading enjoyment increase with the use of Bookmooch. He rebuffed me, he rebuffed Cara, and in the end, he left in a foul mood.

As I said before, I learned more about the Book Community AFTER I joined book mooch... So this site has been heaven sent for me.

Hercules40 (a.k.a. PapaG)
13 years ago
@Cara - nice ideas, thank you for sharing them with us. Yes, for those who didn't know already, Cara does a great job amending the Angel page for us every few weeks.

@Robin - thanks for your initiative with the "vacationing" project....I should let you know, however, that I've had one rejection and two acceptances from some of those "inactive" members, so please be sure to mooch only with points that you can afford to lose :)I won't cancel my requests of those members - perhaps sending books to me will get them being more active again!

Have a great day everyone.

13 years ago
Whew, has he gone now? At least it shows us what a great bunch of people there are in the BM community and that he really is a one off, probably sent form PBS hell! Keep up the good work with the inactive accounts by the way. One question Cara-what is the angel page? Would I be able to buddy up with someone willing to mooch books from BM members only willing to send within their own country? This would be great as I rather suspect some of my wishlist might have been published only in the USA and 20+ years ago so are harder to obtain. I would be more than willing to do the same service in return for those only willing to send within the UK or Europe.
Jo Gadsden
13 years ago
@Jo The angel page is where the list of all the people who have stepped up to be angels is located. Information about the Angel Network can be found here:BookMooch_Angel_Network You can always post an angel request in the Angel's Wanted Forum:Angel Requests
13 years ago
Everyone who is critical seems to be sure they could fix Bookmooch, but it ain't broke!
Most of those who are moaning about not being able to spend their points don't seem to have that many.
If I have a problem it is forcing myself to take the long view. I've loads of points, but will Bookmooch stay around long enough for me to spend them? I will undertake to do what I can to help the site to grow. I will tell my friends and my Amazon customers about the site. I will,and this is a big one, get back to my blog on how to get rid of stuff and complete my long-promised post about books.

Most of all I will continue to enjoy it when I get a message saying "I never thought I'd find this!"

13 years ago
"Moaning" isn't exactly how I would describe it. I would hope that everyone can express their experience with Bookmooch for the better of the site, regardless if it's different from yours, without being discounted in that manner. There are definitely improvements that can be made and as long as we steer clear of hissy fits like Frank's I think that a diverse input can help make those happen.
13 years ago
To paraphrase, "I can't spend my points because the inventory on here is all junk" is a frequent post on this thread. That is "moaning that you can't spend your points". I didn't say they were moaning about Bookmooch!
13 years ago
Ahh, ok. Apologies for misunderstanding and thanks for clarifying!!
13 years ago
Regarding the Frank banter back and forth, having read the exchanges it was most unpleasant.

All I can say is, for those who are unhappy/dissatisfied with BM just leave without disrespecting BM and the other members who enjoy it.

Reading is a pleasure and an escape from the drudgery of everyday, being able to share the experience with others is a positive. The world has enough problems, let's not add more negativity.

Thank John for even coming up the concept and taking the time to maintain the site.

That's my 2 cents worth.

Manuela Ziemer
13 years ago
Frank, I disagree. I leave books in my inventory not because I need the points (I have more than I could ever use) but because I KNOW that they will eventually be mooched. No matter how unmoochable I have thought a book might be, there has always been someone who wants it. It just takes time.

Sure I could give them to my library instead, but this way I know they are going to someone who really wants them, rather than just dumping them on the library for them to be stuck with.

13 years ago
I check some wish lists or a book I posted was mootched pretty fast I will buy it again just to list on book mootch to help somebody.

the main reason I joined book mootch was to try to get the books i want from the uk but that is not happening but finding lots of new and cool books to mootch everyday and when i read a book i mootch it back

13 years ago
I have been inspired by reading these comments to go through wish lists and search through the boxes of books in my basement to fulfil them. I just finished posting books that have 12-19 people waiting and look forward to cleaning out the boxes in my basement. I also use PBS and have gotten books from them to send to moochers. Thank you all for reminding me that mooching makes others happy.
13 years ago
The main reason I love bookmooch is that I find older books that were not best sellers or written by todays hottest writers. The other sites I have found need current isbn's and sometimes they won't accept those. I really appreciate having access to books from overseas because I can find older writers that just are not available in the states. Thanks to bookmooch & everyone that I have mooched from.
Arnold Blasing
13 years ago
@hawkrave 33 of your 159 wishlisted books are listed as available. If they are from "to my country only" moochers you could ask an angel to mooch a bunch for you and send them to Canada.
13 years ago
I am a 60 year old woman and all of my books( except for a few fantastic ones) are no older than 2000. I really don't want to be one of those people who list all of their old tired books, that no one wants anymore. If a book is terrible I will try it for a few weeks, but will then delete it. This is such a fantastic way to keep my reading habits alive and well. I have traded with many a wonderful person. So take your crappy books out of there and put some of your favorites out there, so put it up, and let another have the same fun you did. Thank You John, for all of the uncountable hours of reading pleasure.
13 years ago
I am a 60 year old woman and all of my books( except for a few fantastic ones) are no older than 2000. I really don't want to be one of those people who list all of their old tired books, that no one wants anymore. If a book is terrible I will try it for a few weeks, but will then delete it. There are many avenues here that the older books can be donated. Not only thrift stores, but out local food bank has a book shelf now. Even the Social Services office had a shelf in the waiting room for books. Bookmooch is such a fantastic way to keep my reading habits alive and well. I have traded with many a wonderful person. So take your crappy books out of there and put some of your favorites out there, just put it up, and let another have the same fun you did. Thank You John, for all of the uncountable hours of reading pleasure.
13 years ago
I think we can find some books here. I have not yet read all the books I've mooched.
But What I'm looking for is books we can hear about today, recent books, books I don't even know about, which are not yet on my wishlist...
I regularly visit UK and bring back some books. So I've got books which are on many wishlists_up to 1000 for the book The Help by Kathryn Stockett I bought last summer. I didn't put them in my inventory because I can't find the equivalent, so for the moment I lend them to friends. When I joined, I thought we could exchange more, and I'm a bit disappointed about that.
Marie Thomas
13 years ago
@ Cara Sorry for the delay in getting back to you! I was so cross about Frank I dare not go on for a few days! Thank you so much for the information, it was really helpful.
Jo Gadsden
13 years ago
@Rhabbitt If there is anything you want from UK only moochers I would be happy to get it for you and send it along.
Jo Gadsden
13 years ago
@ Tricia: It doesn't hurt anyone if you let your old book in your inventory so long it's readable and if you're willing to send it. There are new moochers coming in everyday, who may want your book and some people do change their reading habit. I may not want your book today but who knows if someone I'll meet tomorrow will tell me it's a good book?
13 years ago
@Travis, I agree with you! I have lots of books in my inventory that have been listed for a long time. Eventually they'll be requested, either here or on PBS, which I also use though not as often. In the meantime, they sit in a drawer in my house, so it's not like they're in my way.

As for donating them to libraries, a lot of my books are so old, chances are they'd just end up being sold off at the library's book sales. Which is fine, but then if they library can't sell them, I don't know what happens to them.

13 years ago
@aramena the library here only has two booksales per year and some books i see probably a couple of years but once they figure out they can't even give them away..they call the city and have them to pick up the books and send them to recycling.
13 years ago
Yeah! DON"T limit the old books...a lot of what I'm looking for goes back 15+ years! :-)
13 years ago
Forgive me if this has been suggested above somewhere, but coming late to the party I just can't bring myself to read every comment.

I like the improvements in the recommendations (it seems much better than I recall in the past). And while "Hide" is useful, it seems like it would make the whole thing better if there was "Hide - you got it wrong I have no interest at all in that book" and "Hide - I've already read that book" That would help BM to learn about what I've read before/outside books acquired and traded through BM (the vast majority of what I've read).

I'm impressed at the quality of the suggestions given what it doesn't know about my reading tastes, but unfortunately the top several recommendations are things I have no desire to read at all (the New Moon books) or have already read. And I don't want to have to repeatedly page through a bunch of uninteresting/unhelpful recommendations if I can help BM make better recommendations while moving the others out of the way.

13 years ago
@Tracey And then, frequently, it's not available to my country. Do you know about the angel network?
13 years ago
@ Tracey: I could not answer for others but for myself. I read a lot and ready to try other authors. I read my books and then send them out. The recommendation page could help you if you're looking for books you may want to read, as I understand books appear on your recommendation page are books based on the books you've listed in your inventory or books you have mooched. So whatever appears in that page are books related to what you have read. As for not being available, that's life...wherever you go things aren't always be as you would like it to be.

As I already mentioned it before in other thread: The question is, how dedicated are you to BM? Are you here for fun? Are you here only to get rid of your unwanted books? Are you here to enjoy the community, share books and interest with others? Let get serious everyone...ask ourselves first why are we here! I get tired hearing complains of not getting books while there are a lot of explanation lately how to get it.

This is a community of booklovers...if you're not one of us then you should not be here. Ask yourself if you're supposed to be here and what are your motives of being here.

13 years ago
Our library has book sales twice a year and if I see books I know I can pass on I'm happy to spend a quarter for a paperback book - less if I'm there the second day. It supports my local library and gets me new books to pass on at bargain prices. Mooching from Recommendations lets me try new-to-me authors and then mooch their backlist, although I've already read most of what is recommended.
13 years ago
Re. Frank's gripe. I think one of the problems is professional booksellers who are using this site to augment their own shop inventories. Unlike us small-timers, they check in repeatedly and are thus able to get a hold of many of the popular books very quickly. Because the pros are posting huge amounts of books, they are able to get an even larger pile of books in return.. think about it, if you post 1000 books, you can have as many as 3000 to mooch back. I sometimes wonder whether it might be an idea to slow these folks down with some kind of a quota on how many books you can mooch within a certain period of time..
13 years ago
@ Ankeborg That may well be why the most popular books seem to be so much less available than before some of the changes over the last couple of years were made. Most of these would make it easier for a professional to be alerted as soon as one came in sight. I used to get something popular but not new available every few months or so, but it seems not to happen any more. I'm happy here anyway, but you make a valid point.
13 years ago
I think one of the problems is professional booksellers who are using this site to augment their own shop inventories

I think there are a few booksellers on Bookmooch, but as a way to keep your inventory stocked, Bookmooch would not be a very reliable source. When a highly wishlisted book pops up on my wishlist more often then not, if I don't grab it;) the person who mooches it is just lucky or a "power user": someone who's day job allows them to check their RSS feed frequently and is able to jump on wishlist books as soon as they are posted. Or else the book is reserved for someone. If there were some very successful book sellers on Bookmooch snapping up all the highly wishlisted books you would see the same few names appearing more than once in the "previous moochers" list and you don't. Also, many of the highly wishlisted popular books are available at Amazon for the mythical 0.01. There wouldn't be much profit margin in mooching those books just to resell. Bookselling is hard work. Independent booksellers are a endangered species. If there are any on Bookmooch scoring the occasional more valuable book to resell, more power to them, IMHO

13 years ago
First, I'm not a bookseller...but I have nothing against bookseller, they still need to send books in order to get other books, that is fine with me. There is that and then they need to be quick to grab the books as all of us here so we have all that in the same footing.
13 years ago
I pick up free books from the local library. I also purchase some from them and second hand shops. I look for books that people would be looking for. This way I have books people want and I pick up books I would not really purchase at the store like children's books. I also look for books I can use to swap on other book sites so I can find something there I may want. Every site has different swappers and titles of books.

Find friends with the same interests in your reading to swap books with.

Diana Field-Brittain
13 years ago