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Smooches received

2009/09/12 Thanks! I'll get these books out Monday! Thomas Nufer (USA: MI)
2009/09/07 Thanks for mooching - enjoy!! Catherine (USA: NY)
2009/04/30 Thanks for mooching two for one from me. Marian (USA: WV)
2009/03/14 Sasquatch (USA: CA)
2009/03/14 Sasquatch (USA: CA)
2009/01/18 Oops! Meant to do two smooches at once, and I just noticed only one went through. Thank you again! Enjoy :) Allison (USA: GA)
2009/01/16 Thank you so much for the books! I was so surprised when I opened the packet to find both. I wish you an absolutely wonderful day, and I will be on the lookout for someone I can do a lovely favor to :) Allison (USA: GA)
2008/11/09 I'm smooching back your point for being so very patient with this long delay. Thanks! Nicole D. Porter (USA: CA)