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Smooches received

2011/06/09 Have a smooch! anonymous
2010/11/19 Happy Birthday! anonymous
2009/11/30 Happy birthday fellow Novemberian!

How goes all in icky dirty fish land? :p

SKingList (USA: NY)
2009/09/03 verano (Canada)
2009/08/14 Thanks sooo much for the books! Sophie Houston (United Kingdom)
2009/08/06 you're AWESOME!!! eunice (USA: CA)
2009/02/13 Just because..., with a big hug. Marina Bonomi (Italy)
2008/11/19 Have a happy birthday. VeraMarie (USA)
2008/11/19 Happy birthday sweetie, and I hope Ani finds work very soon XXX Sophie Houston (United Kingdom)
2008/10/29 to my favourite angel! verano (Canada)
2008/09/21 Angel smooches :) Melissasyd (Australia)
2008/09/21 Angel smooches :) Melissasyd (Australia)
2008/09/21 Angel smooches :) Melissasyd (Australia)
2008/07/21 anonymous
2008/07/21 anonymous
2008/07/19 thanks for the angel mooch! Rena (Israel)
2008/07/19 Thanks again for helping with the book-chain. I'm enjoying getting Lisa's e-mails telling me about the cool books she's getting. VeraMarie (USA)
2008/07/19 Oooh, getting a little short, aren't you? anonymous
2008/07/15 Thanks for being my angel! Lola Soleil (Canada)
2008/07/12 anonymous
2008/07/11 Happy Friday! anonymous
2008/07/07 Hello to you too. VeraMarie (USA)
2008/07/07 Your kind words to Jackie also helped me - thanks x Melissasyd (Australia)
2008/06/27 anonymous
2008/05/04 Package was even cheaper than I thought once I found a big enough box, thanks for helping me clear out! SKingList (USA: NY)
2008/05/03 Books didn't cost enough to be worth 2 points :) SKingList (USA: NY)
2008/04/18 For giving me two great books!!! I am going to have to move "American Shaolin" up in my TBR. Thank you so much Wendy! And thanks for the talk last night. Good luck with exams. I *so much* miss college life. Hercules40 (a.k.a. PapaG) (USA: AL)
2008/04/14 Thanks for being such an angel! :) Debra (Canada)
2008/04/09 Thanks again for being an angel and helping me get this book! Lola Soleil (Canada)
2008/04/07 Thank you the books look great! Cara (Canada)
2008/04/04 Thanks for being an angel and helping me get these books! Lola Soleil (Canada)
2008/03/21 Why? It's a hardcover, you let me jump to the front of the line, and because Ani got laid off (which just stinks!). That's why! Denise (USA: CT)
2008/03/10 just because anonymous
2008/03/09 Thanks for being so speedy on the mooch button! Cara (Canada)
2008/03/09 All hail the Queen! anonymous
2008/03/09 thank you coffee lady! Rena (Israel)
2008/03/05 You're a great angel! anonymous
2008/03/03 Thanks again! Jase (USA: LA)
2008/02/28 Celebratory smooch! Jo (USA: CA)
2008/02/23 Cause I have points and I can!:-) anonymous
2008/02/22 Love ya Wendy! *hugs!* anonymous
2008/02/14 Happy Valentine's Day! anonymous
2008/02/14 Be my valentine, Queen of f***ing Everything! anonymous
2008/02/14 Be my valentine, Drama Queen! anonymous
2008/02/14 Happy Valentines Day anonymous
2008/02/12 just for being you! verano (Canada)
2008/02/04 To an angel above and beyond the call of duty. Marina Bonomi (Italy)
2008/02/02 Thanks for your royal support during my minor skirmish in the ongoing troll wars ;) Sir Andrew (Australia)
2008/01/22 Thanks so much for being such an angel. :) Debra (Canada)
2008/01/22 You're nice! anonymous
2008/01/20 Thanks for the heads up for The Eyre Affair! Lola Soleil (Canada)
2008/01/19 Just because you deserve it, angel! Marina Bonomi (Italy)
2008/01/18 With apologies Bri (Australia)
2008/01/14 Thank you cookie fairy! SKingList (USA: NY)
2008/01/02 Thanks, Wendy!! :) verano (Canada)
2007/12/25 Merry Christmas! anonymous
2007/12/19 SMOOOOOCH! anonymous
2007/12/18 Smoooooooch! anonymous
2007/12/18 Please don't have a panic attack! I didn't get a second major in sociology (did a minor instead) simply because I would have had to take a statistics class. Yuck! bookarts (USA: IA)
2007/12/18 Thank you thank you thank you Rena (Israel)
2007/12/17 I hope you, Ani and family have a great New Year, particularly a great reading New Year! Best wishes, Denise S. Denise (USA: NY)
2007/12/14 A little something to make you feel better! Kel (USA: TX)
2007/12/14 anonymous
2007/12/06 Thanks for having my back, sistah friend! verano (Canada)
2007/12/06 random smootchie-boochie! anonymous
2007/11/27 Thanks hugely for saving "Stiff" for me! Sophie Houston (United Kingdom)
2007/11/19 Happy Birthday Wendy!! Heather (USA: AZ)
2007/11/19 Happy Birthday! anonymous
2007/11/19 Happy Birthday! Lola Soleil (Canada)
2007/11/19 Happy birthday to yooooooo! Sophie Houston (United Kingdom)
2007/10/29 For always being able to make me laugh, even when I'm depressed. Your posts are the best medicine ever! Heather (USA: AZ)
2007/10/12 You regularly make me laugh out loud on the forum - have a point on me! anonymous
2007/10/02 I love your "all about me" forum posts, and your bio. You are funny and made me smile on a bad day, and for that you definitely deserve a smooch! Heather (USA: AZ)
2007/09/25 I am so sorry about your job. Hope things get better soon! bookarts (USA: IA)
2007/09/19 I loved you "all about me" post in the forums. It made me chuckle. Thanks for the chuckle. Get yourself something pretty. anonymous