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Transaction details

Status:lost in the mail: the owner says they sent this book, but I never received it
Book moocher:
Kate (USA: CO)
Book giver:
Laura (United Kingdom)
Book Title:Essential Neurology (Essentials)
Book Author:I. M. S. Wilkinson
Condition:It's a withdrawn library book, so it has the library stamps in the front and I think it has a plastic layer over the cover - it feels like it's been strengthened, anyway, as it's described as a paperback but doesn't feel like one! There's quite a bit of underlining, but it's all in pencil so could be erased if it bothered you. Other than that it's in pretty good condition.
Date requested:May 4, 2011 / 1:20 PM
Date concluded:September 27, 2011 / 8:45 AM
book details