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Status:I received this book
Book moocher:
VickiLynn (USA)
Cost to moocher:1
Points for giver:1
Feedback left:(+1): Got the box Nov 3rd, thanks.
Book giver:
Miss Smilla (USA: VA)
Book Title:The Blood Books, Volume III
Book Author:Tanya Huff
Condition:Just got my copy in, will have finished reading it by the time you're back and ready to Mooch. :) FYI, this is in slightly rougher condition than the four earlier single volumes -- a bit more dogearing/edgewear on covers, lots of visible creasing on the spine...it's a very thick paperback omnibus. The binding is still tight and readable, but cosmetically it shows more noticeable wear than the others. If you'd rather hold out for a newer-looking copy, I totally understand and don't mind, this is on enough wishlists that I'm sure I'll have no trouble rehoming it.
Date requested:October 21, 2010 / 9:41 PM
Date concluded:November 4, 2010 / 4:58 PM