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Transaction details

Status:I requested this book, sender says they sent it, but I never acknowledged receiving it
Book moocher:
Mary Flippo (USA: AL)
Book giver:
Miss Smilla (USA: VA)
Book Title:Southern Ladies & Gentlemen
Book Author:Florence King
Condition:Trade paperback, good used condition -- shallow spine creases, some visible edge/corner wear on covers/spine, one small (approx 1/2 inch) tear in front cover along edge of spine, about a half-dozen tiny grey-black spots along page edges (they seem to be some sort of ink or dye, the spots do not look or smell like mildew). Visibly used, in other words, but still tightly bound and perfectly readable. Previously Mooched, now back in the pool for the next reader! :)
Date requested:March 1, 2011 / 10:08 AM
Date concluded:June 15, 2011 / 2:53 PM
book details