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Status:I received this book
Book moocher:
Lisa (USA: PA)
Cost to moocher:1
Points for giver:1
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Book giver:
Dana (USA: CA)
Book Title:Suzuki Violin School Volume 2 Violin Part (Revised Edition) (Suzuki Violin School, Violin Part) by Dr. Shinichi Suzuki (2007) Paperback
Book Author:
Condition:An earlier edition published before 1995 by Chuan Yin Music Pub Co in Taiwan. Pages have writing in pencil on many of the songs. Bilingual in both English and traditional Chinese. Covers are stained with reddish brown spots by beverages. 16 pages, worn spine. Cover is light green and different from pictured.
Date requested:December 6, 2020 / 8:03 AM
Date concluded:April 17, 2021 / 2:13 PM
book details