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Transaction details

Status:I received this book
Book moocher:
Stefan (United Kingdom)
Cost to moocher:1
Points for giver:1
Feedback left:(+1):
Book giver:
Shaun (United Kingdom)
Book Title:One for My Baby
Book Author:Tony Parsons
Condition:I now have a job where I am away from home for approximately one month at a time; then home for two weeks (in a constant cycle). Whilst I am away I cannot send any books, and my internet access is very limited (or non-existant); therefore I will be unable to accept any Mooch requests (although I will do my best during the rare times I do get online). If you want this book, please send me a Mooch request as normal, and I will accept and post when I get home. If I get multiple requests for the same book (as the book is only 'reserved' for 7 days), the first request will be honoured, and the others rejected. I am currently away from home until 12th Jun. I will send any Mooch requests between 13 - 25 Jun. Thank you for your understanding. Hopefully the book will be worth the additional wait. Shaun
Date requested:December 21, 2011 / 11:00 AM
Date concluded:December 31, 2011 / 10:12 AM