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Transaction details

Status:I received this book
Book moocher:
Rodolfo Quesada-Zumbado (Costa Rica)
Cost to moocher:3
Points for giver:3
Feedback left:(+1): Perfect! Thank you so much!
Book giver:
seanat (United Kingdom)
Book Title:Of Mice and Men: With Notes (New Longman Literature)
Book Author:John Steinbeck
Condition:Previous owner has underlined a few sections and added a couple of lines of comments but it isn't that often, mostly in pencil and shouldn't affect your reading too much unless you are particularly sensitive to this. Otherwise a clean tight, very useful copy. Ignore UK Amazon reviewers who state the book is partly in German, this one is completely in English.
Date requested:May 3, 2012 / 8:19 PM
Date concluded:July 21, 2012 / 11:00 AM
book details