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Status:I received this book
Book moocher:
Lydia Marmorstein (United Kingdom)
Cost to moocher:1
Points for giver:1
Feedback left:(+1):
Book giver:
Laura (United Kingdom)
Book Title:The secret mountain (Armada paperbacks for boys & girls)
Book Author:Enid Blyton
Condition:NB: The edition I have is old enough to not have an ISBN number. Publisher is Armada Paperbacks for Boys and Girls and it the edition with the lilac cover. NB: This book some damage. The pages and front and back cover are in good condition. However, the spine is quite creased and the top inch is torn at the top. There is definite wear at the corners and the pages edges are discoloured with age.
Date requested:October 14, 2009 / 4:42 PM
Date concluded:October 29, 2009 / 7:57 AM