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Transaction details

Status:I cancelled this request
Book moocher:
Lydia Marmorstein (United Kingdom)
Feedback left:(+0): sorry, mooched wrong title by accident.
Book giver:
Laura (United Kingdom)
Book Title:The Secret of Spiggy Holes
Book Author:Enid Blyton
Condition:NB: The edition I have is old enough to not have an ISBN number. Publisher is Armada Paperbacks for Boys and Girls and it the edition with the green cover. NB: This book is in bad condition. The pages and front and back cover are in excellent condition. However, the spine is quite creased and the top inch is torn away. The worst damage is the actual binding/glue. At some point something has happened and the pages have come away from the spine. Some of the pages are still bound to each other in three sections, ie 1-38, 39-108 and 108-end are bound together. If you mooch this book with something else, I'll give you your point back. I'm willing to discuss this bookmooch transaction.
Date requested:October 14, 2009 / 4:37 PM
Date concluded:October 14, 2009 / 4:41 PM
book details