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Status:I cancelled this request
Book moocher:
Kerberos (Canada)
Feedback left:(+0):
Book giver:
Ingrid (USA: MA)
Book Title:Mars and Venus Together Forever: Relationship Skills for Lasting Love
Book Author:John Gray
Condition:The cover is different than the one shown. Despite the fact that my mother thought I should, I never read this. Even so, it's kind of beat up from being thrown into and lost for several years in a paper bag with a bunch of other things at the back of a closet. There is a hard crease on the back cover, a couple of dog-eared pages toward the middle of the book, and a "wave" to the entire book that may or may not straighten out with some time in a bookshelf.
Date requested:July 30, 2009 / 5:35 AM
Date concluded:September 26, 2009 / 8:00 AM