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Transaction details

Status:I received this book
Book moocher:
JMC (Philippines)
Cost to moocher:1
Points for giver:1
Feedback left:(+1): THANKS PATTI, now I can spread the joy of Bookmooch, (and they were more than 30 pa hahaha :))
Book giver:
Patti (Philippines)
Book Title:30 BookMooch Bookmarks
Book Author:BookMooch
Condition:International Moochers: Email me if you want to mooch this set for FREE. I will return 2 points to you for this transaction. Local PH Moochers: This set of 30 BookMooch Bookmarks can be mooched for FREE after mooching 2 books (re 2-mooch minimum). The 1 point will be returned to you once it has been marked as 'sent'. Or you can get this as a regular mooch. For every two sets you mooch (or two books you mooch), you can mooch another set for FREE.
Date requested:December 3, 2010 / 8:16 AM
Date concluded:December 28, 2010 / 1:02 AM