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Transaction details

Status:I cancelled this request
Book moocher:
Jennifer Wharton (USA: WI)
Feedback left:(-1): I haven't been able to get a response from owners, although they originally communicated with me and accepted the mooch and recommended some other books i wanted. they've apparently been sending books - no idea why they decided not to send these.
Book giver:
Provlear (USA: CA)
Book Title:Detection Unlimited
Book Author:Heyer Georgette
Condition:Hardcover with dustjacket, has illustration on outside, published in 1969. Book itself is in great condition, but the dust jacket is moderately worn on the top and bottom edges. It has a personal inscription inside.
Date requested:November 23, 2007 / 6:08 PM
Date concluded:February 29, 2008 / 5:01 PM