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Transaction details

Status:my request was rejected by the book owner
Book moocher:
infiniteletters (USA: KY)
Feedback left:(+0): That's okay. Let me know if your circumstances improve. :)
Giver comment:Due to circumstances beyond my control i am no longer able to mail books out. Please forgive me for the delay and inability to send the book. It was never my intention to cause distress by having to cancel my account.
Book giver:
Tesse (USA: AR)
Book Title:The Forging of the Dragon: (#1) (Wizard and Dragon, Book 1)
Book Author:Robert Don Hughes
Condition:This Book is free if you mooch another book from my inventory. !!!!!! READ ME BEFORE MOOCHING !!!!!! This book is missing the cover and back cover. While cleaning out the closets i found the box of books my youngest went tear happy on as a 3yr old. This book is still a good read.. just not collectible! This does qualify as a free mooch with another regular mooch from me see my Bio for details.
Date requested:February 2, 2008 / 10:00 AM
Date concluded:April 2, 2008 / 12:21 PM
book details