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Status:I received this book
Book moocher:
Ice Smith (USA: NY)
Cost to moocher:3
Points for giver:3
Feedback left:(+1): Thanks so much! We do have goats.Our state fair is at the end of the month & I'm putting together a goat book display and trying to collect as many as I can this month.
Book giver:
tennantfamily (United Kingdom)
Book Title:Pat North
Book Author:Further adventures of Sixpence a baby goat
Condition:Sorry, I listed the title as author and vv, and it won't remove that and give me a fresh listing! Amateurishly produced paperback with plastic overcover, charmingly illustrated. Plastic cover has suffered a bit at edges over the years, but internally all is fine.
Date requested:July 30, 2013 / 8:15 AM
Date concluded:August 8, 2013 / 7:31 PM