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Transaction details

Status:my request was rejected by the book owner
Book moocher:
hffmnheidi (USA: IL)
Feedback left:(-1): Very disappointed that the member gave a crummy reason for the rejection of the transaction. I hope she is able to get her stuff together and not raise people's hopes of getting a book and then being rejected in the same day. Very disappointed. I can see from the history that this is a regular pattern and if I could give more than a negative one, I would.
Giver comment:I have downsized and no longer have this book, sorry.
Book giver:
Jennifer (USA: MI)
Book Title:MY CLOTHES (Small World Word Books)
Book Author:Lisa T. Lenthall
Date requested:March 16, 2013 / 12:02 PM
Date concluded:March 16, 2013 / 1:15 PM
book details