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Transaction details

Status:I received this book
Book moocher:
dlennon (USA: FL)
Cost to moocher:1
Points for giver:1
Feedback left:(+1): Thank You for the mooch & the
Book giver:
Miss Smilla (USA: VA)
Book Title:Blood Trail: Victory Nelson Private Investigator: Otherworldly Crimes a Specialty (Victory Nelson)
Book Author:Tanya Huff
Condition:Yes, I do have two copies of this title! The other one is reserved for a multi-mooch, but this one is up for grabs. :) Mass-market paperback, good used condition -- tightly bound but shows some minor but visible signs of use: multiple shallow spine creases, slight edge/corner wear on covers and spine, one tiny (approx. .25 inch) rip in the upper edge of the back cover. This is the same earlier Daw edition with the painted cover shown here in this listing, not the later Lifetime "Blood Ties" tie-in reprints with photo covers. Previously Mooched, now back in the pool for the next reader!
Date requested:October 21, 2010 / 5:47 PM
Date concluded:October 28, 2010 / 8:41 AM