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Transaction details

Status:I received this book
Book moocher:
daniele (Italia)
Cost to moocher:2
Points for giver:3
Feedback left:(+1): Thank you so much! They're lovely! cheers
Book giver:
Patti (Philippines)
Book Title:Package of 10 BookMooch Bookmarks & 5 BookMooch Hand-out Cards
Book Author:BookMooch
Condition:40 grams. INTERNATIONAL MOOCHERS: I can send this package via Airmail (2-5 weeks), unless mooched with another book, then I'll have to send it via Surface Mail (2-5 months, 6 months MAX). ***This set of cards and bookmarks is FREE for international moochers. The two points will be returned to you.*** LOCAL MOOCHERS: I will send this package via Xend Express. ***Mooch this set and get another set for FREE. Just mooch the second set and the 1 point will be returned to you.***
Date requested:March 16, 2009 / 10:04 AM
Date concluded:April 2, 2009 / 4:59 AM