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Transaction details

Status:lost in the mail: the owner says they sent this book, but I never received it
Book moocher:
Eliza Brown (South Korea)
Giver comment:I haven't seen hide nor hair of this set...if it manages to show up at my doorstep somehow within the coming months, I'll happily smooch you what I owe you. How unfortunate :( I hate Chicago post.
Book giver:
Kelly (Philippines)
Book Title:A Dream of Red Mansions (3 Volume Set)
Book Author:Cao Xueqin
Condition:*all three books are in very good condition, dustjacket in very good condition *set consists of THREE hardcover books; due to the considerable weight of each book and shipping costs, i will have to ask that you mooch EACH book separately from me
Date requested:August 12, 2008 / 8:14 AM
Date concluded:January 12, 2009 / 7:36 PM
book details