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Transaction details

Status:I received this book
Book moocher:
chuck russell (USA: NC)
Cost to moocher:3
Points for giver:3
Feedback left:(+1):
Book giver:
John(JCB) (United Kingdom)
Book Title:The Saint Errant
Book Author:Leslie Charteris
Condition:Wasn't sure which listing to add this book to, as none showed cover art. This is an old edition without an ISBN and with a pre-decimal (UK) price. Tha pages are somewhat tanned and has a bit of an old book scent (slightly sweet). Spine creased and a little cover creasing. Pages are straight and square.
Date requested:December 3, 2011 / 5:05 AM
Date concluded:December 19, 2011 / 6:47 PM
book details