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Transaction details

Status:my request was rejected by the book owner
Book moocher:
Lady Cabert (USA: GA)
Giver comment:Greetings... thank you for your patience on this book. Per my status message, this has been in demand for several months now on Swap.com and that doesn't look like that will change until it is requested, so rather than keep you hanging, I am going to delete it here and will relist if it becomes re-available. Hope you find another copy soon!
Book giver:
bruingrad (USA: CA)
Book Title:Marathon: You Can Do It!
Book Author:Jeff Galloway
Condition:good... inscription inside front cover.
Date requested:February 4, 2011 / 5:58 PM
Date concluded:June 24, 2011 / 4:27 PM
book details