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Transaction details

Status:I received this book
Book moocher:
William (United Kingdom)
Cost to moocher:1
Points for giver:1
Feedback left:(+1): Fantastically fast, I'll make note on the BookCrossing site, thanks!
Book giver:
David (United Kingdom)
Book Title:Final Frontier (Star Trek)
Book Author:Diane Carey
Condition:The book is in good condition though there is what appears to be a signature of some previous owner on two pages but in places that do not impede reading. There are also a few pages where a couple of lines have been underlined. These pages are at the beginning of the book. This book is registered on BookCrossing.com & has a sticker asking the next person who reads it to register it at BookCrossing.com. I would request the Moocher who receives this book to please register it there. You are not required to sign up/join the site if you wish to remain anonymous.
Date requested:April 27, 2012 / 3:33 AM
Date concluded:April 30, 2012 / 2:52 AM