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Transaction details

Status:I received this book
Book moocher:
Blue Yeti (Australia)
Cost to moocher:2
Points for giver:3
Feedback left:(+1): Thank you so much for this book. I especially liked how you packaged it - it felt like a real present, not just a book mooch. Very much appreciated.
Book giver:
Petra (Belgium)
Book Title:Millroy the Magician
Book Author:Paul Theroux
Condition:This is a library discard. There are still some library stickers on it. The book is still in pretty good condition, it's not falling apart but you can see it's been read many times. Maybe it won't do if you want to keep it but this book may be perfect if you only want to read it and pass it on.
Date requested:December 18, 2007 / 12:22 PM
Date concluded:January 16, 2008 / 8:13 PM
book details