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Transaction details

Status:my request was rejected by the book owner
Book moocher:
ANM0106 (USA: GA)
Giver comment:Sorry, I tried to mooch a book from you not too long ago and never heard anything back from you. I prefer to send this book to a more active and responsive participant in the BookMooch community. Maybe you should return to BookMooch when you're more able to respond to Mooch requests? -- or perhaps you could write something in your BookMooch profile that lets people know they should expect long delays when mooching from you, that way you don't disappoint so many people. Best of luck!
Book giver:
althea (USA: TX)
Book Title:When the Duke Returns
Book Author:Eloisa James
Condition:Very good condition. Barcode is marked out.
Date requested:June 21, 2012 / 7:19 AM
Date concluded:June 23, 2012 / 12:03 PM
book details