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Status:I received this book
Book moocher:
826 Boston (USA: MA)
Cost to moocher:1
Points for giver:1
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Book giver:
infiniteletters (USA: KY)
Book Title:My Teacher Fried My Brains (My Teacher Books)
Book Author:Bruce Coville
Condition:Sequel to: My Teacher is an Alien. Cover: Steve Fastner Illustrator: John Pierard Type: Small paperback (20 cm. 136 p.) Condition: Some price tag residue on front cover and name inside. Corner creases on front and back cover. Some edgewear. Small tear (taped) on last page and tiny tear (taped) on p85/86.
Date requested:January 15, 2008 / 10:37 AM
Date concluded:March 5, 2008 / 7:41 AM
book details