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Denise (USA: CT) : friends

Friends of: Denise (USA: CT)

Angela (USA: PA)

annapi (USA: CA)FR friend:-)

Jenny Ellison (USA: AL)

Cara (Canada)

Carol (USA: CA)

Sandi (USA: ND)

feedtheneed2read (USA: NC)FR friend:-)

freakinfroggy24 (USA: WA)

Ray Palen (USA)

Joey (Philippines)

Jaymee (Philippines)

Leslie (USA: TX)FR friend:-)

Jennifer (USA: MI)FR friend:-)

jennym (USA: CO)Jen is super friendly and very welcoming to a newbie. A *fabulous* asset to BookMooch!

Joel G (Philippines)

traytray32 (USA: PA)FR friend:-)

JustJanet (USA: AZ)FR friend:-)

kisah (USA: FL)

karichards (USA: IN)

Triccie (Philippines)

peng (Philippines)

gaby19 (USA: NY)

MaryinHB (USA: CA)FR friend:-)

Mary Vehlies (USA: NY)FR friend:-)

Anna (Italy)

pearlbaby_us (USA: CA)

purplg8r (USA: FL)FR friend:-)

Rachelle (Philippines)Similar reading interests!

Marina Bonomi (Italy)

Loraine (South Africa)

Stacy McCoy (USA: AL)

Susan (USA: GA)FR friend:-)

Syntoria (USA: FL)

ZzzKATzzzz (USA: CT)

What this person's friends have to say about 'Denise (USA: CT)':

Carol (USA: CA): "I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” ~ By: Maya Angelou quote "
Joey (Philippines): "She's really an angel! :)"
Jaymee (Philippines): "another god send! one of my angels who understands the feeling of "really wanting a book." ;)"
ZzzKATzzzz (USA: CT): "very nice. she swapped 2 pbs points for bm points. she very generously offered friendship. i enjoyed emailing her when i had the time. her husband has RSDS (Reflexive Sympathetic Dystropy Syndrome) & fibro. shes very understanding."